| - Adaptation of Karen Joy Fowler's 2004 novel about six people brought together by the novels of Jane Austen. Written and directed by Robin Swicord (who also wrote Little Women, Memoirs of a Geisha, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button screenplays).
* Babies Ever After: Prudie
* Belligerent Sexual Tension: Since they often stand in for Lizzy and Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, Jocelyn and Grigg.
* Chick Flick: Mostly about romance - when it's not about Jane Austen.
* Dawson Casting: Kevin Zegers was in his early 20's while playing an 18-year-old high school senior. Perhaps inverted, since most of the cast play characters that, at least in the book, are generally about ten years older than their actor (though the ages were probably massaged to be more marketable).
* Does This Remind You of Anything??: Each character mirrors one of Austen's novel plots (though not necessarily the same plot they mirror in the book...). Jocelyn enacts Emma, Sylvia performs Mansfield Park, Grigg does Northanger Abbey, Bernadette prances through Pride and Prejudice, Allegra stumbles along in Sense and Sensibility, and Prudie finally makes it through Persuasion. Of course, each of them also tends to cross over into other novels as well...
* Expy: Pretty much everybody has their moment as this for one of Jane Austen's characters. Hilarity Ensues.
* Hospital Gurney Scene: Allegra.
* Hospital Hottie: Dr. Samantha Yep.
* Hot for Student
* Lipstick Lesbian: Allegra and her girlfriends.
* Matchmaker Crush: Jocelyn tries to set Sylvia up with Grigg but ends up falling for him herself.
* Mrs. Robinson: Prudie falls in love with her high school student. Hilarity does NOT ensue.
* Also Jocelyn is older than Grigg.
* Muse Abuse
* Nerds Are Sexy: Grigg.
* Nice Guy: Grigg. Actually nice, though.
* Shipper on Deck: Jocelyn for Grigg and Sylvia. See above for how it ends.