| - ((Because I want to make this character fun and lax, not strenuous, I'm going to change what she ends up as (meaning as I approach the endgame), and because I haven't played in a while and I haven't roleplayed her much, I see no reason why I can't. Though, I will likely write an opportunity for madness, just so that idea isn't completely trashed.))
| - ((Because I want to make this character fun and lax, not strenuous, I'm going to change what she ends up as (meaning as I approach the endgame), and because I haven't played in a while and I haven't roleplayed her much, I see no reason why I can't. Though, I will likely write an opportunity for madness, just so that idea isn't completely trashed.)) Necina is a hard-working Mage who tends to be very blunt, to the point of seeming rude. She may come off as cold at first, and she is very rarely the first to spark any sort of social interaction. If she sees someone who needs her aid in battle, she will silently assist them. If you do start a conversation with her, she may try to focus it more on you than on herself, and she may eventually warm up to you. However, her personality is slowly changing as she becomes stronger, and whether it's for better or for worse is up to others to decide. As her powers develop, her addiction to magic grows stronger. As a result, she delves deeper and deeper into Fel magic and the magic of the Legion, eventually transforming (for lack of a better term) from the average Mage into a Blood Mage. This also seems to strengthen and twist her memory of the death of her twin brother Asturon. These memories along with her addiction is gradually making her more and more outgoing, wicked, and on the borderline of the "maniac" part of Pyro Maniac. Some may even say that she's edging towards becoming Ax Crazy, but the peak of her madness is unlikely to reach that. Though her sanity does begin to lack and her addiction to magic does become very strong, she manages to keep the addiction under control just enough to ensure that she remains a Blood Elf and does not become Wretched.