Cartoon Court: In Session (shortened to Cartoon Court) is a 2017 American animated television series created by David Banks. The series follows the courtroom cases of the Toonsville Justice Center, lead by Judge Kunkaro (Jeff Bergman). Each case usually revolves around cartoons characters getting in disputes such as murder, robbery, theft, and even hijacking. Each episode contains 2 10-minute segments/cases and an occasional 5-minute After the Court short. The show premiered on Animatoon on May 3, 2017, and is rated TV-PG for suggestive content.
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| - Cartoon Court: In Session
| - Cartoon Court: In Session (shortened to Cartoon Court) is a 2017 American animated television series created by David Banks. The series follows the courtroom cases of the Toonsville Justice Center, lead by Judge Kunkaro (Jeff Bergman). Each case usually revolves around cartoons characters getting in disputes such as murder, robbery, theft, and even hijacking. Each episode contains 2 10-minute segments/cases and an occasional 5-minute After the Court short. The show premiered on Animatoon on May 3, 2017, and is rated TV-PG for suggestive content.
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| - Comedy
- Animated
- Surreal humor
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| - Cartoon Court: In Session
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| - Cartoon Court: In Session (shortened to Cartoon Court) is a 2017 American animated television series created by David Banks. The series follows the courtroom cases of the Toonsville Justice Center, lead by Judge Kunkaro (Jeff Bergman). Each case usually revolves around cartoons characters getting in disputes such as murder, robbery, theft, and even hijacking. Each episode contains 2 10-minute segments/cases and an occasional 5-minute After the Court short. The show premiered on Animatoon on May 3, 2017, and is rated TV-PG for suggestive content.