| - Ferret - barbarzyńca, bohater standardowy Heroes of Might and Magic V. Jego oficjalna biografia brzmi: W dniu, gdy Ferret stał się wojownikiem, przybrał przydomek Wydra, gdyż ten przebiegły i zwinny gryzoń świetnie pasował do jego osobowości. Nawet teraz ci, którzy go nie znają, często popełniają błąd i wyzywają go na pojedynek. Wkrótce zaczynają rozumieć, czemu ludzie mówią, że „Ta Wydra to dopiero ma długie zębiska!”. Kategoria:Barbarzyńcy (Heroes of Might and Magic IV)
- The ferret is a mammal in the weasel family. A common saying "with the intensity of a ferret" means that the person is in deep concentration. In 1954, Master Sergeant Joseph Burns was told he monitored the Vixen 03's engine panel with the intensity of a ferret.
- Ferrets are small, mustelid, four-legged mammals, domesticated forms of the European Polecat. They form a relatively large part of a Hippogriff's diet.
- In 1903 PD, Nimitz was described as moving "like a ferret" when the Brotherhood of Maccabeus attempted to assassinate Protector Benjamin IX and his family. (HH2) The Ferret-class of new, agile light attack crafts was named after the creature. (HH9)
- Description: "Beast Masters tend to like this pet." How to acquire: Can be bought from Valencia's AC Shop for 900 AC Coins. Sell Value: ?
- A ferret is
- Angela once told Roran to "Watch out for ferrets."
- Ferret was a villain in Swamp Thing.
- Ferretin metsästykseen tarvitaan 27 hunter level ja pitää olla Eagles' Peak suoritettu. Ferrettejä pyydystetään box trapeilla ja ne ovat hyvää hunter xptä tasoilla 27-43. Pyydystetyillä Ferreteillä ei tee mitään, joten ne kannattaa vapauttaa (release) aina. Ferretit tulevat todella nopeasti ansaan ja jäävät kiinni, joten smokeamista ja syöttiä ei kannata käyttää. Ferretit asustelevat woodlandissa. Kuva:Ferret alue.png Ferretistä saa 115xp.
- The ferret was a common animal in the Realms.
- While these ships are a threat to some, the Ferrets are usually used for ferrying or "ferreting" messages between members of the Navy.
- Ferret was a Bridgeburner and a squad mate of Antsy. He had a skinny and hunched figure with a pinched pale face and sharp teeth. Antsy also recalled Ferret getting a proper funeral service when Whiskeyjack took off his helmet and said a few words as Free Cities' battle magics blasted overhead with two dragons in the sky. Antsy stated that no one ever listened to what Ferret had to say.
- A ferret was an animal native to Earth, usually domesticated and kept as pets. Nancy Conlon had a pet ferret as a child, who she remembered fondly and missed as an adult. (CoE eBook: Troubleshooting)
- Ferret faces Static again with other members of the Meta-Breed. When they were about to fight, the Justice League easily defeats them. In the series finale, he was affected by the Anti-Big Bang gas developed by Dr. Todd and became normal.
- Ferret was a former member of the Ruffpack and later the Meta-Breed.
- The Ferret was a scout fighter used as early as first contact with the Kilrathi. There were two Ferrets on the Iason. They would be replaced and updated by the P-64 Ferret Light Fighter towards the middle of the Kilrathi War.
* P-64C Ferret
- Ferret (fair-reht) is a mad scientist with a penchant for creating 'zombies'.
- Note: Ferrets can escape from a player, so he or she will have to catch another before he or she can resume hunting rabbits.
- In Heroes of Might and Magic IV, Ferret is one of the 28 heroes belonging to the Barbarian class. He is a male human, and is associated with the Stronghold town.
- Een Ferret is een beest dat je kunt vangen met een box trap in Woud (hunter gebied), en de gevangen Ferrets kunnen gebruikt worden om White rabbits te vangen in dit zelfde gebied. De Eagles' Peak quest en level 27 Hunter zijn nodig om Ferrets te vangen. Ferrets kunnen ontsnappen dus het is handig er meerdere te vangen als je White rabbits probeert te vangen.
- Note: Ferrets can escape from a player, so he or she will have to catch another before he or she can resume hunting rabbits. fi:Ferret nl:Ferret
- The code name Ferret may refer to either of two things in the A Real American Hero series:
* Ferret A.T.V. - the Cobra ATV (all-terrain vehicle) from 1985.
* Ferret - the operator of the Iron Grenadier D.E.M.O.N. tank from 1988.
- The Webkinz Ferret was released on March 2010. It was retired in August 2010. Its special food is the Foot Long Feast and its special item is the Relaxing Longtub.
- Ferrets are Monsters from Maplestory. They're found on Chryse. __TOC__
- Hippies Ferrets are the aboriginals of the commie world, a less advanced version of liberals. Hippies Ferrets are smelly people animals with poor fashion sense. Female hippies ferrets are undistinguishable from the males, aside from the vaginas.
- Ferrets, also known as long-kittens, are small mammals closely related to minks and weasels, but not bellydancers. Dehabitation destroyed what should be their natural habitat long ago , so they are now most often found in movie theatres and condominiums. They are a member of the Slinky family.
- "Don't look back!" Unbeknownst to Destro's clients, the D.E.M.O.N. tank vehicle is not exactly what it appears to be. When a squadron of D.E.M.O.N.'s attack in formation at full throttle, with all weapons systems firing, they are virtually unstoppable. However, break up the frmation, slow the pace of attack, or counterattack from behind, and infantrymen with hand-held rocket-launchers can turn the D.E.M.O.N.s into burning hulks. Underneath that fancy looking war machine, much was sacrificed for speed, range and weaponry. Except for the driver, any other crew member is exposed and unprotected from enemy fire. It therefore falls to the Ferret to not only make the D.E.M.O.N. look like one of the meanest machines to roll on the battlefield but to make it function as such. The kind of men that
- Several other Mustelids also have the word ferret in their common names, including an endangered species, the black-footed ferret. The history of the ferret's domestication is uncertain, like that of most other domestic animals, but it is likely that ferrets have been domesticated for at least 2,500 years. They are still used for hunting rabbits in some parts of the world, but increasingly, they are kept only as pets.
- The Ferret is the mascot of Orange Lounge Radio. The ferret was a prize for attending the E3 event, given to Jamie. There are apparently only two ferrets of this type, hopefully a girl and boy. It seems to drive Skie and LOKI crazy How it's still alive after five and a half years, the listeners will never know. Blackwolf has a hatred for the ferret which is often brought up in episodes. The hatred most likely stems from Blackwolf's show, the Bobby Blackwolf Show, having its own mascot, Clicky the Pen.