| - Snizzard was a snake/lizard monster created by Finster to battle the Power Rangers. Its torso was actually a large snake mouth, which could open up and fire what he called "tonsil snakes" at his foes, which would then wrap up and weaken their targets, draining them of their life energy. His arms were a pair of cobras and his legs were a bunch of snakes coiled around each other. The Zapper Apple on his crown also possessed great power, possibly strong enough to have been able to destroy the Power Rangers with a single shot from a weapon charged by it. Confronting four of the Rangers in Angel Grove Park, Snizzard overwhelmed and nearly destroyed them with an arrow charged with energy from his crown's Zapper Apple. It was then that Kimberly Hart arrived and saved her teammates. After defeatin
- Snizzard was a snake/lizard monster created by Finster to battle the Power Rangers. Its torso was actually a large snake mouth, which could open up and fire what he called "tonsil snakes" at his foes, which would then wrap up and weaken their targets, draining them of their life energy. His arms were a pair of snakes and his legs were a bunch of snakes coiled around each other. The Zapper Apple on his crown also possessed great power, possibly strong enough to have been able to destroy the Power Rangers with a single shot from a weapon charged by it. Confronting four of the Rangers in Angel Grove Park, Snizzard overwhelmed and nearly destroyed them with an arrow charged with energy from his crown's Zapper Apple. It was then that Kimberly Hart arrived and saved her teammates. After defeatin
- Snizzard is half snake and half lizard. He has a golden apple on top of his head. Snizzard also has hands in the shape of snake's head and mouth. Snizzard carries a bow and arrows. Rita had been watching Kimberly getting ready to fly with her Uncle Steve, when she came up with an idea. Rita had Squatt place a sleeping potion in Uncle Steve's drink. With Kimberly out of the way, Snizzard should easily defeat four Rangers. When Uncle Steve passed out, Rita went into Finster's work room for Snizzard. Finster made Snizzard with the Monstermatic. Once Snizzard arrived, he was sent down to Angel Grove. Snizzard arrived in the park and began wrecking havoc. Eventually Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger arrived. The four Rangers used their Blade Blasters against Snizzard. Sni
| - Snizzard is half snake and half lizard. He has a golden apple on top of his head. Snizzard also has hands in the shape of snake's head and mouth. Snizzard carries a bow and arrows. Rita had been watching Kimberly getting ready to fly with her Uncle Steve, when she came up with an idea. Rita had Squatt place a sleeping potion in Uncle Steve's drink. With Kimberly out of the way, Snizzard should easily defeat four Rangers. When Uncle Steve passed out, Rita went into Finster's work room for Snizzard. Finster made Snizzard with the Monstermatic. Once Snizzard arrived, he was sent down to Angel Grove. Snizzard arrived in the park and began wrecking havoc. Eventually Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger arrived. The four Rangers used their Blade Blasters against Snizzard. Snizzard fired back at the Rangers. The apple from the top his head, reflected back the power of the Blade Blaster against the four Rangers. The Rangers were knocked to the ground. Snizzard then release his leg cobras. The leg cobras wrapped themselves around each Ranger and started draining their energy. Eventually Pink Ranger arrived. Snizzard summon several Putties. Pink Ranger battled the Putties with her Power Bow and destroy them. Pink Ranger destroys the snakes with her Power Bow. Snizzard them release snakes from within his throat (tonsil snakes). Pink Ranger releases the rest of the Rangers. Pink Ranger destroys Snizzard with the Power Bow and by aiming for the apple on top of his head. The Rangers had been battling a giant Mutitis with Dragonzord and Megazord. During the battle, Mutitis spray toxic foam on Megazord and Dragonzord. The Rangers were ejected and land on an island demorph. They quickly discovered they didn't have their communicators or power coins. Jason suggested they explore the island and they did. They ran into Quagmire but he vanished as soon as he heard the name Rita. Suddenly an image of Goldar's face appears in the sky. He asks them if they lost their precious power coins? You'll soon lose more than that! Snizzard, Eye Guy, Pudgy Pig, Pineoctopus, and Shellshock appear. Kimberly points the monsters out. Zack is not happy. Oh great! No coin, a tone deaf little person, and an island full of monsters. Trini points out they are monsters they have already destroyed. Snizzard, Eye Guy, Pudgy Pig, Pineoctopus, and Shellshock race towards the teens. Jason shouts that they are attacking. The teens get into fight positions. Snizzard, Eye Guy, Pudgy Pig, Pineoctopus, and Shellshock are almost at them when they suddenly vanish. Billy comments that was weird - they disappeared. Tommy asks what kind of place is this? Goldar replies a place where nothing is what it seems except the danger. Welcome to the Island of Illusion.
- Snizzard was a snake/lizard monster created by Finster to battle the Power Rangers. Its torso was actually a large snake mouth, which could open up and fire what he called "tonsil snakes" at his foes, which would then wrap up and weaken their targets, draining them of their life energy. His arms were a pair of cobras and his legs were a bunch of snakes coiled around each other. The Zapper Apple on his crown also possessed great power, possibly strong enough to have been able to destroy the Power Rangers with a single shot from a weapon charged by it. Confronting four of the Rangers in Angel Grove Park, Snizzard overwhelmed and nearly destroyed them with an arrow charged with energy from his crown's Zapper Apple. It was then that Kimberly Hart arrived and saved her teammates. After defeating a group of Putties that Snizzard had summoned, Kimberly slew the reptilian monster by firing an arrow of her own into his Zapper Apple. Later, an illustration of Snizzard was shown in a page of Finster's monster book in the episode "Happy Birthday, Zack". Snizzard appears as one of the illusion monsters in "Island of Illusion". Snizzard was brought back by Lord Zedd as one of the monsters in Doomstone's graveyard. He was once again recreated (by Finster) to ambush the Power Rangers in the Spectre Theater. He later attended Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd's wedding, demonstrating that he is musically talented (one of the few monsters shown with a unique talent unrelated to their "theme") by playing the song "Here Comes the Bride" on the organ. Rita provided her own lyrics as she walked down the aisle, calling the song "Here Comes the Queen". A couple of the guests were jumping over his tail like a jump rope as he wagged it around from side to side while playing the organ. Snizzard also interacted with Saliguana. Lastly, Snizzard reappeared in Rita and Zedd's army as they conquered the Vica Galaxy during "Countdown to Destruction".
- Snizzard was a snake/lizard monster created by Finster to battle the Power Rangers. Its torso was actually a large snake mouth, which could open up and fire what he called "tonsil snakes" at his foes, which would then wrap up and weaken their targets, draining them of their life energy. His arms were a pair of snakes and his legs were a bunch of snakes coiled around each other. The Zapper Apple on his crown also possessed great power, possibly strong enough to have been able to destroy the Power Rangers with a single shot from a weapon charged by it. Confronting four of the Rangers in Angel Grove Park, Snizzard overwhelmed and nearly destroyed them with an arrow charged with energy from his crown's Zapper Apple. It was then that Kimberly Hart arrived and saved her teammates. After defeating a group of Putties that Snizzard had summoned, Kimberly slew the reptilian monster by firing an arrow of her own into his Zapper Apple. Earlier, though, an illustration of Snizard was shown in a page of Finster's monster book in the episode "Happy Birthday, Alpha!". He has visited Zaterra, and has thus formed a close friendship with Syzoth and some others of the Zaterran race. Snizzard was brought back in season 2 by Lord Zedd as one of the monsters who in Doomstone's graveyard. He was once again recreated (by Finster) to guard the Power Rangers in the Specter Theater, much to Dark Alpha's approval. He later attended Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd's wedding, demonstrating that he is musically talented, one of the few monsters shown with a unique talent unrelated to their "theme" where he played the song "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" on the organ. A couple of the guests were jumping over his tail like a jump rope as he wagged it around from side to side while playing the organ.The Wedding (Revisited Series) Lastly, Snizzard reappeared in Rita and Zedd's army as they conquered the Vica Galaxy during "Countdown to Destruction". He is voiced by Bryan Cranston in all of his appearances.