The Selay were a reptilian species of humanoid that are native to the planet Selay, located in the Beta Renner star system. For centuries, the Selay have been rivals with another species from their system, the Anticans.
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| - Raza Humanoide, de forma reptíliana, que solicitó su ingreso a la Federación en 2364. Originarios de un planeta del Sistema Beta Renner, los Selay mantienen una disputa prolongada con una raza rival, los Anticanos, (al punto de no tolerar su olor corporal) por lo que la Federación, como paso previo a su admisión en la UFP, organizó una cumbre de paz entre ambas razas en el planeta Parlamento, en un sector vecino.
- The Selay were a reptilian species of humanoid that are native to the planet Selay, located in the Beta Renner star system. For centuries, the Selay have been rivals with another species from their system, the Anticans.
- Les Selays étaient une espèce humanoïde reptilienne originaire de la planète Selay. Les Selays ont été longtemps ennemis avec leurs voisins, les Anticans.
- The Selay have scaly skin and make sibilant noises in their speech. Ever since making contact with each other, the Anticans and the Selay have been mortal enemies, with the Anticans finding the taste of Selay flesh delightful and the Selay responding by attempting to capture and subdue their predators even during diplomatic occasions. Both species applied for Federation membership at the same time, in 2364. According to Captain Jean-Luc Picard, both Anticans and Selay have a passionate hatred over "matters of custom, God concepts, even, strangely enough, economic systems". Both also have been in contact with the Ferengi.
- The Selay were a carnivorous humanoid reptilian species native to the planet Selay. The Selay were long-standing enemies with a neighboring species, the Anticans. First Contact with the Federation took place before 2327, when there was a Selay present on Starbase Earhart. (TNG: "Tapestry" ) In 2364, the Selay and the Anticans both applied for Federation membership, and as part of the process the USS Enterprise-D carried a Selay delegation to Parliament to resolve their conflict with the Anticans. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us" )
- thumb|Ein Selay an Bord der Enterprise. Die Selay sind eine reptiloide Spezies aus dem Beta-Renner-System. Ihr Heimatplanet ist Selay, einer von zwei bewohnbaren Planeten des Beta-Renner-Systems. Sie haben Feindseligkeiten mit den Anticanern und können sie selbst auf mehrere hundert Meter Distanz riechen. (TNG: ) 2327 hält sich ein Selay in einer Bar in der Nähe von Sternenbasis Earhart auf. (TNG: ) 2366 nehmen die Selay an der Handelskonferenz auf Betazed teil. (TNG: )
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Warp capable
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Distinctive Features
| - cobra-like hood, three digited hands
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| - Raza Humanoide, de forma reptíliana, que solicitó su ingreso a la Federación en 2364. Originarios de un planeta del Sistema Beta Renner, los Selay mantienen una disputa prolongada con una raza rival, los Anticanos, (al punto de no tolerar su olor corporal) por lo que la Federación, como paso previo a su admisión en la UFP, organizó una cumbre de paz entre ambas razas en el planeta Parlamento, en un sector vecino.
- The Selay were a reptilian species of humanoid that are native to the planet Selay, located in the Beta Renner star system. For centuries, the Selay have been rivals with another species from their system, the Anticans.
- Les Selays étaient une espèce humanoïde reptilienne originaire de la planète Selay. Les Selays ont été longtemps ennemis avec leurs voisins, les Anticans.
- The Selay were a carnivorous humanoid reptilian species native to the planet Selay. The Selay were long-standing enemies with a neighboring species, the Anticans. First Contact with the Federation took place before 2327, when there was a Selay present on Starbase Earhart. (TNG: "Tapestry" ) In 2364, the Selay and the Anticans both applied for Federation membership, and as part of the process the USS Enterprise-D carried a Selay delegation to Parliament to resolve their conflict with the Anticans. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us" ) A representative of the Selay attended the biennial Trade Agreements Conference held on Betazed in 2366. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi" )
- thumb|Ein Selay an Bord der Enterprise. Die Selay sind eine reptiloide Spezies aus dem Beta-Renner-System. Ihr Heimatplanet ist Selay, einer von zwei bewohnbaren Planeten des Beta-Renner-Systems. Sie haben Feindseligkeiten mit den Anticanern und können sie selbst auf mehrere hundert Meter Distanz riechen. (TNG: ) 2327 hält sich ein Selay in einer Bar in der Nähe von Sternenbasis Earhart auf. (TNG: ) 2364 beantragen die Selay, zeitgleich mit ihren Todfeinden den Anticanern, die Mitgliedschaft in der Föderation. Die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) bringt die beiden verfeindeten Spezies zum Neutralen Planeten Parliament, damit dort die verfeindeten Parteien die Verhandlungen zur Aufnahme in die Föderation aufnehmen können. Allerdings bekämpfen sich die Seley und Anticaner bereits an Bord der Enterprise und einer der Selay wird sogar von den Anticanern erlegt und verzehrt. (TNG: ) 2366 nehmen die Selay an der Handelskonferenz auf Betazed teil. (TNG: )
- The Selay have scaly skin and make sibilant noises in their speech. Ever since making contact with each other, the Anticans and the Selay have been mortal enemies, with the Anticans finding the taste of Selay flesh delightful and the Selay responding by attempting to capture and subdue their predators even during diplomatic occasions. Both species applied for Federation membership at the same time, in 2364. According to Captain Jean-Luc Picard, both Anticans and Selay have a passionate hatred over "matters of custom, God concepts, even, strangely enough, economic systems". Both also have been in contact with the Ferengi.
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