| - Heat Man was one of the Robot Masters who competed against the N Team and the Northridge High Football Team for the throne of Videoland. He and his teammates were defeated when Mega Man acquired firepower upgrades from Dr. Wright in Megaland.
- Heat Man is a Robot Master created by Dr. Wily. He was first seen in Mega Man 2 as one of the games 8 Robot Masters.
- Heat Man is a villainous robot and one of the robot masters from the video game Mega Man 2.
- Heat Man (ヒートマン Hītoman?) is a combat Robot Master from the Mega Man series created by Dr. Wily based on Fire Man's design. His body has the box-like shape of a Zippo lighter, with a lid that Heat Man can use to retract his head into for additional protection, but can also sometimes close down onto him unintentionally. He is designed to be highly resistant to sources of heat, including fire and magma, and has a dial in his back that regulates the power of his flames, which he's unaware of.
- Heat Man's Level ist eine Hölle aus brodelnder Lava, die Mega Man bei Berührung sofort vernichtet. Habt ihr bereits das Item-2 erhalten ist dieser Level bedeutend leichter, da eine langwierige und gefährliche Sprungeinlage über erscheinende und wieder verschwindende Blöcke einfach 'umflogen' werden kann. Wer dieses Sprungsegment nicht scheut, benötigt ein sicheres Timing, da unter den Blöcken Lava und später ein bodenloser Abgrund auf unglückliche Roboter lauert. Es hilft das Muster, in dem die Blöcke erscheinen, soweit möglich zu beobachten und sich den Rythmus einzuprägen. Achtung, es gibt hier auch ein Falle, bei der ein Block direkt über dem Spieler erscheint und der Block auf dem er steht kurz danach verschwindet. Ohne schnelle Reaktion und Manövriervermögen ist der Verlust eines Lebe
- Heat Man (ヒートマン Hītoman?, Trad. Hombre Calor) es un Robot Master creado/diseñado por el Dr. Wily usando los esquemas de Fire Man, específicamente con el propósito de "incinerar" al robot-flamígero del Dr. Light. Heat Man puede generar flamas de hasta 12000 grados Celsius, mucho más calor del que Fire Man (Máximo 8000 grados Celsius) es capaz de controlar. Además, Heat Man es mejor manipulador del fuego en batalla, ya que puede realizar más acciones con este a parte de dispararlo.
- Heat Man is a battle robot created by Dr. Wily using Fire Man as a basis; his body is modeled after a Zippo lighter. He is able to produce flames up to 12,000 degrees Celsius in temperature from his compression-type blaster. Though he excels at heat-resistance and manipulating flame, he's seemingly unaware that he has a dial which regulates his heating power on his back. Heat Man's primary weapon is called Atomic Fire, with which he can throw condensed fireballs that explode into flame pillars when they hit the ground. He can also envelope his body with hot flame and perform a body tackle.