| - NC: Hello, I’m the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don’t have to. And welcome to another rendition of Old vs. New. (The “Old vs. New” title card is shown, featuring an old man crossing his cane with a little boy’s baseball bat, as dramatic music plays and lightning strikes) NC: I hate Westerns. Well, except for “Tombstone.” (The poster for that movie is shown briefly) That was pretty good. Oh, and “Unforgiven.” (Accompanying movie poster is shown) That’s not bad. Oh, also “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” (Accompanying movie poster is shown) That was pretty awesome. Oh, dude, “The Searchers.” (Accompanying movie poster is shown) Now that’s a classic. But luckily, this film has nothing to do—fucking “Maverick,” man. (Accompanying movie poster is shown) That was a funny movie! OK, OK! There’s a lot of good Westerns out there, but nevertheless, this review has nothing to do with Western—(The title screen for 1969’s “True Grit” is shown) Fuck a monkey! (Clips from “True Grit” (1969 version and 2010 version) play out as NC speaks) NC (voiceover): Yep, it’s “True Grit,” the film that launched a dozen Oscars. Twice! This timeless tale of a girl seeking the help of a one-eyed cowboy won audiences over in the late 1960s. But then all of a sudden, the Coen Brothers came along and made what many consider to be a damn good remake. And of course, we all loved it. NC: Why? Because it’s the Dude playing a cowboy! How fucking awesome is that? The Dude (from “The Big Lebowski”): The Dude abides. NC (voiceover): But which film holds up the best over time? Which one is stronger, more poignant, and—for a lack of a better word—grittier? NC: Well, in this rendition of “Old vs. New,” we’re gonna look at “True Grit,” or—as I like to call it—(He spreads his arms out as the following caption appears below him with a “Ding!”) “How many Big Lebowski jokes can I make in one review?” (The opening sequence features pictures of the characters from both movies, playing snippets of the musical score from each of the films, ending with the title card “True Grit (1969) vs. True Grit (2011)”*) *(NOTE: The remake was released in 2010 rather than 2011) NC: First, let’s look at our main character of the film…Mattie! (The image of 2010’s Mattie is shown) Yeah, “Best Supporting Actress”, my ass! She’s the main character, and we all know it! You’re going first! The Dude (from “The Big Lebowski”): Man, come on! NC: Shut up!