| - The Medical Team was later incorporated into the MSF's successor group, the Diamond Dogs, shortly after conducting one of four new missions assigned shortly after their mission to recover the Honey Bee missile launcher. Because of the necessity of having the soldiers in optimum health conditions, Miller gave the go-ahead for the development of a Medical Platform for Mother Base pre-emptively to notifying the group's leader, Venom Snake. Their primary functions were supplying first aid to personnel that were extracted from a hot zone while airborne, and medical treatment of various injured and/or ill staff in the Mother Base's sickbay. Members usually included medics, doctors, nurses, and medical researchers, with more specific jobs including counselors, drug developers, physicians, and sur
| - The Medical Team was later incorporated into the MSF's successor group, the Diamond Dogs, shortly after conducting one of four new missions assigned shortly after their mission to recover the Honey Bee missile launcher. Because of the necessity of having the soldiers in optimum health conditions, Miller gave the go-ahead for the development of a Medical Platform for Mother Base pre-emptively to notifying the group's leader, Venom Snake. Their primary functions were supplying first aid to personnel that were extracted from a hot zone while airborne, and medical treatment of various injured and/or ill staff in the Mother Base's sickbay. Members usually included medics, doctors, nurses, and medical researchers, with more specific jobs including counselors, drug developers, physicians, and surgeons. Shortly after Venom Snake's mission to rescue Shabani failed, they attempted to analyze the slimy residue on Venom Snake's prosthetic arm from when he touched one of the aveola cysts of one of the victims at the Devil's House, although it had been burned off by the time Snake returned due to his fighting the "Man on Fire", and were also at a loss as to what exactly the lumps on the victims chests were, especially with no sample to work with from the limited amount they did gain from Snake, with concerns that it was infectious. Code Talker later joined the Medical Team after defecting to Diamond Dogs, aiding them in curing an outbreak of vocal cord parasites, and acting as their Parasitologist. The Medical Team was later tasked with guarding Code Talker's research materials on the Quarantine Platform via lock and key after they had intercepted the shipping containers containing the information from Zero Risk Security before they could be delivered to Cipher, and later were tasked with watching over those child soldiers they rescued that hadn't gone with Eli during his escape and revolt.