| - Trolls are very big; they are around six and seven feet tall. Female trolls are shorter then their male counterparts, but that is hardly noticeable due to the hunched over posture male trolls adopt. The reason male's are hunched over like this could have to do with the weight of their large tusks. As a young troll grows older, his tusks grow larger, and he because increasingly hunched over. The ears of trolls, especially male trolls, are very long - long enough to compete with the Night Elves. Troll teeth are pointed, and their eye colors range from orange to red. In order to look more intimidating, trolls also take to piercings, tattoos, and face paint.Jungle trolls, like the Dark Spears, get their purple and blue coloration from a soft, short fuzz that covers their whole body. (Although cuddly, you really shouldn't hug a troll.) No other race of troll has fur like this, though it's interesting to note that forest trolls are able to support plant life on their bodys, and their green coloring comes from a layer of mos s on their skin. One thing trolls are famous for is their ability to regenerate. When wounded, trolls are able to heal very quickly; even arms and legs can be regrown over time (although it does take a good bit of time). Young, unwise trolls are quick to put themselves in danger because of this ability but learn to use it as an advantage later in life, while knowing when not to go too far.