| - The moment when awesomeness and romance meet, when an otherwise epic scene is topped with a kissing scene that is quite epic on its own as well. Visually, it might be supported with Stuff Blowing Up in the background. In more mundane settings, it might still be enhanced with tropes like Dramatic Wind, Scenery Porn, or Orbital Kiss camera movements. In the narrative, it can be signified as the the characters' First Kiss, maybe the long-awaited end of the Unresolved Sexual Tension, a Now or Never Kiss, or referenced as True Love's Kiss. Examples:
| - The moment when awesomeness and romance meet, when an otherwise epic scene is topped with a kissing scene that is quite epic on its own as well. Visually, it might be supported with Stuff Blowing Up in the background. In more mundane settings, it might still be enhanced with tropes like Dramatic Wind, Scenery Porn, or Orbital Kiss camera movements. In the narrative, it can be signified as the the characters' First Kiss, maybe the long-awaited end of the Unresolved Sexual Tension, a Now or Never Kiss, or referenced as True Love's Kiss. In media forms that use background music, it might often overlap with a Crowning Music of Awesome as well, or at least it will be located at a climatic part of the soundtrack. Some tropes -- such as Smooch of Victory, Hollywood Kiss, Concert Kiss, Beach Kiss, and Lip-Lock Sun-Block -- are almost always examples of this as well. Examples: