| - When playing The Chronicles of Spellborn®, you can be in either of two states at any given time: Unprepared or Prepared. You start the game Unprepared by default; allowing you to interact with Non-Player Characters. If you wish to fight with Non-Player Characters (or even other Player Characters) you will need to be Prepared. To become Prepared, you will need to press F. You will then unsheathe your Weaponry, the Combat Indicator on the bottom of the screen will change and the Combat Bar will appear right above the Indicator displaying your available Skills. Note that being Unprepared drastically lowers your defence, while being Prepared lowers your Movement Speed and raises your Resistances. Every attack or ability you can perform during Prepared State is called a Skill. The Combat Bar displays Skills per Tier, each with five separate Columns. To change Columns and thus selected Skill in a Tier, press 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 or use the Mouse Wheel. To perform the Skill, press the Left Mouse Button or press 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 again. Whenever a Skill is performed several things will happen.
* The used Skill will fade out and be unavailable until its Cooldown period has elapsed and it is active again.
* The Combat Bar will turn displaying the next Tier available and with it new Skills in each of the five Columns.
* The Combat Bar Timer will become visible at the left-hand side of the Combat Bar. The Combat Bar will return to Tier 1 then this Timer is depleted. After rotating the maximum amount of Tiers allowed at the Player Character’s level, the next Tier available will be the first again. A Player Character can have up to 6 Tiers and 5 Columns available allowing access to a maximum of 30 individual Skills.