| - In Ring Battle, each team will spawn on two different areas of the map, with approximately 50 rings floating in the air (similar to Test Flight or Pilot Aptitude Test). When three minutes have elapsed, an additional 20 rings will spawn (total of 70). The team with the most rings at the end of the match will win. Rings can be captured by either flying through them or by shooting down another player who has flown through rings (in the latter's case, one random ring the enemy player flew through will be transferred to the player). A ring's color determines its status: yellow rings have not been captured, blue rings have been captured by the player's team, and red rings have been captured by the enemy team. The targeting boxes around other players that display their aircraft will also display the number of rings they have captured at the bottom-left of the box. Each player will earn points for capturing rings and for shooting down players, and will also receive 200 bonus points at the end of the match for each ring they personally control. However, similar to Naval Fleet Assault, the team's total points does not affect the outcome of the match. Winning or losing the match depends entirely on ring control.