The Velociraptor was a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser used by the Confederate States of Earth Navy during the Battle of Earth and the Second Battle of Earth, she served as the flagship of the CSE's leader Jane Zarkan. She was named after the ancient reptile that existed on Earth tens of millions of years before. The Velociraptor was personally presented to Jane Zarkan by Count Dooku after the signing of the Confederate-Earth Treaty of Alliance, in which the CIS helped Earth build up its military forces to take on the Galactic Republic.
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| - Velociraptor (Subjugator-class)
| - The Velociraptor was a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser used by the Confederate States of Earth Navy during the Battle of Earth and the Second Battle of Earth, she served as the flagship of the CSE's leader Jane Zarkan. She was named after the ancient reptile that existed on Earth tens of millions of years before. The Velociraptor was personally presented to Jane Zarkan by Count Dooku after the signing of the Confederate-Earth Treaty of Alliance, in which the CIS helped Earth build up its military forces to take on the Galactic Republic.
| - [[w:c:starwars:Rise of the Empire era
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shield gen
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| - *[[w:c:starwars:Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I
| - [[w:c:starwars:Hypermatter
| - *Confederate States of Earth
*[[w:c:starwars:Confederacy of Independent Systems
| - *Battleship
*Mobile headquarters/command ship
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| - *Big Lady
*The Monster of Earth
| - *Grand Admiral TX-29
*Admiral of the Grant Fleet Catherine Ward
| - [[w:c:starwars:Subjugator-class heavy cruiser
| - Heavy [[w:c:starwars:Cruiser
| - *Battle of Earth
*Second Battle of Earth
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| - *Internal security force of B1 battle droids, B2 super battle droids, Droidekas, marines and naval commandoes
| - *Jane Zarkan
*Confederate States of Earth
**Confederate States of Earth Navy
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| - *Twin [[w:c:starwars:Turbolaser
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| - The Velociraptor was a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser used by the Confederate States of Earth Navy during the Battle of Earth and the Second Battle of Earth, she served as the flagship of the CSE's leader Jane Zarkan. She was named after the ancient reptile that existed on Earth tens of millions of years before. The Velociraptor was personally presented to Jane Zarkan by Count Dooku after the signing of the Confederate-Earth Treaty of Alliance, in which the CIS helped Earth build up its military forces to take on the Galactic Republic. Velociraptor was delivered with a full crew of mixed B1 battle droids and OOM pilot battle droids, as well as B2 super battle droids and Droidekas for internal defence. The B1 battle droids could also be used for internal defence, unlike their almost physically identical OOM pilot battle droid cousins, who were used exclusively for manning gun positions and consoles. Jane Zarkan also bolstered the ship's crew with some of the organic naval crewmen under her command. Aside from serving as Jane's flagship, Velociraptor also served as flagship of the CSE, CSEN and the CSEN Grand Fleet, she also led Force A, which was commanded by Admiral of the Grand Fleet Catherine Ward, after the First Battle of Earth, Jane replaced Catherine with TX-29 as captain of the ship, TX-29 was promoted to Grand Admiral, the highest position in the navy, whilst Catherine was remained Admiral of the Grand Fleet, the second-highest the navy. Prepare to die, Republic scum! My big lady will blow you from the stars!—Jane Zarkan to the Republic fleet during the Battle of Earth Fiercely proud of her flagship, Queen Jane I referred to her ship as a female, using words like "her" and "she" when speaking about her ship. Jane I was greatly angered and distraught when the Republic fleet destroyed her flagship during the Second Battle of Earth, after Jane ordered the abandon ship command to be issued, Jane, TX-29 and Unit 46 fled for the Lucrehulk-class battleship Independence, she transferred her flag to the Independence and continued the battle from there, swearing revenge on the Republic Navy for destroying her former flagship, the Second Battle of Earth was a Separatist victory, after the Republic was beaten back and forced to flee. You Republic scum! You have killed my ship, my pride and joy! Big mistake! You will pay for destroying her!—Jane Zarkan in an open communication to the Republic fleet following the destruction of the Velociraptor