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- Artist permission was obtained by Drugstore Cowboy in July 2007. Permission extends only for songs under Tooth & Nail Records.
- Emery is the Rapid Transit train in Chuggington.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Emery]] émeri, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Emery]] esmeril, from Late Latin smericulum, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Emery]] σμῆρις ‘powder used for polishing’.
- Emery is one of the mysterious "evil" salvagers in 2253.
- |} 自称「頭脳明晰ノームコンビ」一人。大発明を完成させるのだと意気込んでいる。
- Emery is an American five-piece post-hardcore band from Rock Hill, South Carolina currently signed to Tooth & Nail Records and based in Seattle, Washington. Emery was founded in Rock Hill, South Carolina with the original lineup consisting of Toby Morrell, Devin Shelton, Matt Carter, Josh Head, Joel Green and Seth Studley. Emery moved to Seattle in order to reach a more music centered scene. While the band avoid the stigma of being labeled a "Christian band," the members are all Christian, exploring a wide variety of lyrical themes in their music.