| - It's best not to play it. You can always deny having heard it, but those creepy Fortunatas seem to be able to read minds, so you decide just to sell the thing and be rid of it.
- Eye of newt. Wing of bat. Yeah, this will be worth a fortune. Not. You could have found better junk in the trash.
- Hmm. Tinny little bones on a leather strap, some bat's wings, and bottle of frogs. Nice. Must have some purpose, but you're not sure what. Somebody somewhere will buy'em though. They always do.
- Hey! Your favorite high school teacher has joined the bad guys. Guess he was right when he said you didn't play well with others.
- The old leatherbound book contains numerous spells and incarnations, but none that seem to serve your nefarious purpose.
- Interesting. It's a package full of very common chips, like you might find in alarm clocks, cell phones and so on. Obviously someone has plans to alter them for some more nefarious purpose.
- This nasty claw was locked up tight. Looks like it came from a demon or something. You shake it a few times but none of the locals drop dead. How disappointing.
- It's an odd crystal with a thin violet line running through the middle. You have no idea how to read it, but there's a large "spike", like on a heart monitor, a few milimeters to the right. Does that mean some major event is coming soon?
- The little speakeasy you robbed likes to keep a low profile; not a bad policy in the Rogue Isles. Lucky for you, money has a way of making itself heard.
- Looks like some kind of neural disruptor. You pull the trigger but nothing happens. Stupid prototypes.
- An interesting idea, but it looks like the gun isn't currently functioning. Ah, well. It'll still be worth something to the right problems.
- It's a statue of Tisiphone, one of the ancient Furies of the Greek legends. The legends say they were placed on Earth to torment evil-doers. Maybe there was something to the Fortunata's vision, after all. But what could it mean? You phone this one in and let Arachnos come get it. Best not to touch something like this.
- The blade feels heavy in your hand. Visions of demons and ancient ziggurats dance in your mind. You feel a dark and malevolent presence creeping into your mind. You put the dagger to your own throat and --WHOA! Perhaps this relic is too powerful for you just yet. Best just to sell it to some chump and let him deal with this insanity.
- A lady ought to know better to trust Larry to care for her valuables. You've made off with a number of rings, a ruby brooch, and a diamond necklace worth a ton just on its own.
- It looks like a gold-plated turtle shell to you. Its artistic value is dubious, but gold is gold.
- You walked away with over half a million dollars. Not a bad haul.
- L'Olonnais was one of the cruelest pirates ever to sail these waters. He once cut the heart out of one prisoner and forced another to eat it.
- Hmmm. Just some old rusty blades. Maybe these were pirate weapons or something. The Rogue Isles were full of them a few centuries back.
- It's a complicated schematic. There don't seem to be any prototypes of the device around.
- Their lull seems to have more to do with getting smashed by mugs like you more than any grand scheme. You find a long list of their gang's names - all coded, no doubt - with lines through them.
- Aether looks quite the worse for wear. Especially after you rip out a lock of the flowing white hair he was so proud of.