| - A bomb packed with smoke-creating agents. Deals moderate damage to an enemy union.
- |}
- Image:Smoke bomb.png Smoke bomb is used to decrease enemy attack power, it can be comboed with Princess Signet skills to create Bombing Campaign
* Usable By: Cannoneer
* Duration: 3 Turn
* Cool Down: 2 Turn
* Action Power Cost: 150
* Range: Image:5 plus.svg
* Type: Active Upgraded By:
* Book: Smoke bomb (Beg) up to skill level 20
* Book: Smoke bomb (Int) up to skill level 40
* Book: Smoke bomb (Adv) up to skill level 60
- the smoke bomb is a bomb that when triggered does 5 damage and releases a cloud of smoke. This blocks the view of enemies giving you time to escape or attack.
- Smoke Bomb is a 2nd-level assassin encounter utility power introduced in Class Acts: Assassin, and is a variation of the power summon the mists. It is designed to flavor the assassin as a ninja. The power was not rated by character optimization.
- They can be smashed on the floor in order to be hidden for a short time. This effect will remain if you move - the smoke will effectively follow you. They can only be used within Darkmeyer.
- Called an 'Knock-U-Out' potion by Roper Klacks, this smoke bomb incapacitates anyone unlucky enough to be caught in the blast. Apparently it also comes in a drinkable form. After Crow brings her the smoke bomb, Zoë Castillo uses it on Dagdam Yiru to escape Friar's Keep. Obtained from Roper Klacks' potions stall in the Magic Ghetto.
- The Smoke Bomb was a purchasable power-up used by Sly Cooper in Sly 2: Band of Thieves, Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves and Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. It was used to obscure the vision of his enemies in order to easily escape. It used a small to medium amount of the Gadget Meter, except in Thieves in Time, where the gadget meter is automatically recharged.
- [Source] Smoke bombs, also known as smoke grenades, were an explosive device which, upon triggering, would release a cloud of dense smoke, blocking the target's vision.
- there are only two hazards regarding the smoke bomb such as shooting flames while lit up or on an extremely rare ocassion the smoke bomb will explode.
- The Smoke Bomb is a special item created in Workshop. They can also be found as a random seed thief bushes. When a smoke bomb is used avoids both units and structures of allies and enemies to attack each other in a 460 AoE around the caster. Slows enemy movement speed by 40%. Lasts 5 seconds.
- A smoke bomb is a persistent weapon similar in size, shape, and weight to a Light Grenade, but instead of causing a devastating explosion, it detonates with a flash of light and smoke (and as such, it effectively doubles as a flash bang). While not physically dangerous, a smoke bomb is useful as a distraction, reducing vision to provide cover for attacks or escapes. Beck planted a smoke bomb to ambush Dyson, but Dyson discovered it and was able to fling it away before it detonated.
- Martial Arts - Threat Wipe - Temporary Stealth
- The Smoke bomb was used on the Sarien Guards.
- 30 smoke bombs can be picked up in a crate in the south-west corner of the Myreque Hideout in Meiyerditch during The Branches of Darkmeyer. They cannot be banked. A maximum of 30 can be held at any time. They can be smashed on the floor in order to be hidden for a short time. This effect will remain if you move - the smoke will effectively follow you. They can only be used within Darkmeyer.
- Smoke Bomb instantly deactivates battle state and hide.
- Smoke Bombs are a projectile used in the first Ninja Gaiden game of the modern series. When used Ryu Hayabusa will do a small roll forward and the smoke bomb will explode where he was previously. They cause no damage, but have various effects on enemies such as causing enemies to target the smoke, causing enemies to stop what they were doing and stand still + vulnerable. Such effects usually only last a second, but can be a great advantage during battle.
- If the button is tapped, Ezio throws the smoke bomb at his feet, obscuring himself from enemy vision; if he grabs an enemy while he is inside the cloud, he will pull them inside the cloud and stab them with a Hidden Blade, lying them on the ground afterwards. If the button is held, he will throw it farther and it will detonate upon hitting an opponent or the ground. The opponent will start to cough from the smoke, being unable to move, and will also take poison damage from the cloud.
- The Smoke Bomb is one of the grenades you can use in Metal Slug 3D
- Skaven smoke bombs are found among the Skaven of Clan Eshin. Using craftsmanship techniques learned in Cathay and Nippon, these small fragile grenades are filled with an explosive powder that detonates with a flash on impact.[1a] When smashed, a dark and almost sentient smoke curls out and attempts to force its way into the lungs of any nearby.[2a]
- Smoke bomb is a medal kickback in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception multiplayer and a usable gear in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End multiplayer.
- Smoke Bomb (煙玉, Kemuridama) is a tool used to create smoke that gives the user a chance to escape.
- Smoke Bomb é um item das séries de Final Fantasy RPG que geralmente causa a Condição de Status Blind.
- Use this thrown attack to blind enemies in an area and become invisible.
- The Smoke Bomb is a defensively used dynamite stick. Instead of exploding, it expels smoke from its lid and creates a wall of smoke that allows the user to escape or blind the enemy for a short period of time.
- Increasing this ability does increase the damage, but moreover increases the amount of time enemies are affected. These grenades are available from any gunsmith once the pirate acquires the Smoke Cloud ability.
* Requires Grenade Skill - Level 12
* Cost: 5 coins for 5 Smoke Cloud grenades
- "Throw one of these down to create an instant cloud of smoke and make a quick getaway. It's not a bomb, but you shouldn't throw them at your enemies! It'll hurt if it gets in their eyes."
- A creates a cloud of smoke when it detonates. It may look like small spheres wrapped in paper or like canisters. Smoke bombs are typically used to blind opponents and make them easier to attack. Alternatively, ninja can use smoke bombs on themselves so that opponents cannot see what they are doing. These bombs can contain different types of gaseous substances ranging from harmless ones used to simply create cover for a shinobi to advance or retreat, poison, and even sleeping gas, the latter of which was used by Sakura Haruno, who learned to make the substance from Tsunade herself.
- Smoke Bomb is a core rogue ability learned at level 85. Rogues can drop a Smoke Bomb, creating a cloud that interferes with enemy targeting. Enemies who are outside the cloud will find themselves unable to target units inside the cloud with single-target abilities. Enemies can move inside the cloud to attack, or they can use area-of-effect (AoE) abilities at any time to attack opponents in a cloud.