| - This 2da essentially holds three tables in one. A set of data exists for creatures, placeables, and doors. The index row (the numbers on the left) is shared by all, and there are 3 columns for each object type. Unfortunately, the columns are rather mixed up. The row index in this file corresponds to the appearance type of the placeable/door/creature calling the script. For ease of reference, the labels for the different sets of appearance types are listed in the 2da. This data is not used in any way, but rather is helpful when looking at the 2da in determining what the appearance type actually is. These columns are:
* Creatures: "Label1" (copied from appearance.2da “LABEL” field)
* Doors: "Label_3" (copied from .2da)
* Placeables: "Placeable_Label" (copied from placeables.2da “Label” field) The type of object determines which column is used, to look up the resource reference of the crafting item that is to be dropped. The column used is as follows:
* Creatures: "Creature_Drop"
* Doors: "Door_Drop"
* Placeables: "Placeable_Drop" If the Resource Reference is “****” or “”, no item will be generated. The final set of columns are used to determine the number of items to be dropped, and are labeled as follows:
* Creatures: "Creature_Num"
* Doors: "Door_Num"
* Placeables: "Placeable_Num" If the number of items is “****” or “”, it will default to 1.