| - Otto Skorzeny was a significant Nazi lieutenant during the Second World War. In the world of Atomic Robo, Skorzeny is even more of a threat to the Allies because of the piloted Laufpanzers he sends to defend Normandy on D-Day.
- Otto Skorzeny (12. kesäkuuta 1908 Wien, Itävalta-Unkari – 6. heinäkuuta 1975 Madrid, Espanja) oli itävaltalainen sotilas ja natsi-Saksan Waffen-SS:n eversti toisen maailmansodan aikana. Häntä pidetään yhtenä sodan tehokkaimmista kommandosotilaista. Yksi hänen kuuluisimmista saavutuksistaan oli Italian hallituksen vangituttaman Benito Mussolinin vapauttaminen vuorenhuipulla olleesta hotellista Gran Sassoossa ja tämän kuljettaminen turvaan saksalaisten luokse syyskuussa 1943.
- During Operation Husky, Robo single-handedly subdued Skorzeny's soldiers as he stormed the base to dismantle the Laufpanzers, which was, unbeknownst to him, was already dispatched by Skorzeny before his arrival. Upon entering the garage of the base, Skorzeny subdues Robo with a hand grenade and a Laufpanzer. Robo manages to escape, in which Skorzeny isn't seen again for that whole event.
- Otto Skorzeny (12 June 1908 – 5 July 1975) was an Obersturmbannführer in the German Waffen-SS during World War II. After fighting on the Eastern Front, he commanded a rescue mission that freed the deposed Italian dictator Benito Mussolini from captivity. Skorzeny was also the leader of Operation Greif, in which German soldiers were to infiltrate through enemy lines, using their opponents' uniforms and customs. At the end of the war, Skorzeny was part of the Werwolf guerrilla movement.
| - Otto Skorzeny was a significant Nazi lieutenant during the Second World War. In the world of Atomic Robo, Skorzeny is even more of a threat to the Allies because of the piloted Laufpanzers he sends to defend Normandy on D-Day.
- Otto Skorzeny (12. kesäkuuta 1908 Wien, Itävalta-Unkari – 6. heinäkuuta 1975 Madrid, Espanja) oli itävaltalainen sotilas ja natsi-Saksan Waffen-SS:n eversti toisen maailmansodan aikana. Häntä pidetään yhtenä sodan tehokkaimmista kommandosotilaista. Yksi hänen kuuluisimmista saavutuksistaan oli Italian hallituksen vangituttaman Benito Mussolinin vapauttaminen vuorenhuipulla olleesta hotellista Gran Sassoossa ja tämän kuljettaminen turvaan saksalaisten luokse syyskuussa 1943.
- During Operation Husky, Robo single-handedly subdued Skorzeny's soldiers as he stormed the base to dismantle the Laufpanzers, which was, unbeknownst to him, was already dispatched by Skorzeny before his arrival. Upon entering the garage of the base, Skorzeny subdues Robo with a hand grenade and a Laufpanzer. Robo manages to escape, in which Skorzeny isn't seen again for that whole event. A few months later, he is seen aboard a train, chatting with Dr. Vanadis Valkyrie. It is here that we see when they both knew that Germany was losing the war, and that Hitler was spending recklessly, not funding enough to Vanadis' research. It was then that Robo and The Sparrow burst into their car at the same time as they fell into their trap. While the two protagonists got busy with an ambush of soldiers, Skorzeny and Valkyrie escaped the train aboard a compact jet, firing rockets at the nearby bridge for the train to fall and eliminate the occupants inside. Inside a heavily-guarded fortress, where the Wehrwolf Formula was being used to create Brutes, Skorzeny encounters The Sparrow at gunpoint, commenting that he was impressed at their idea to switch targets. He then reveals to the spy how Vanadis had killed his brother, also codenamed "The Sparrow", with her army of Brutes, hoping to tear open her emotional scars before killing her. After shooting the spy, he confirms it to Vanadis and agrees to self-destruct the facility to prevent the formula from falling into the hands of the Allies. When he turned around, The Sparrow had barely escaped with an armored jacket. Later, when the four encounter each other (with Sparrow threatening Skorzeny at gunpoint this time), Vanadis feigns a self-destruct timer as Skorzeny pulls out a lightning gun to incapacitate Robo. The two villains escape again, leaving Robo and Sparrow to leap off the fortress as it explodes. As the war was ending, Skorzeny was ordered to oversee the progress of the Weather Cannon. When Robo's raid of the facility failed, he used his body as a power source for the cannon, removing his legs to be used for further research. Before the cannon was even used, James Milligan storms in to rescue Robo. Skorzeny escapes, but reappears again when the two fly away on a Kolibri helicopter to stick an anti-tank bomb on the hull. He then falls to the sea, where he was never seen for a very long time.
- Otto Skorzeny (12 June 1908 – 5 July 1975) was an Obersturmbannführer in the German Waffen-SS during World War II. After fighting on the Eastern Front, he commanded a rescue mission that freed the deposed Italian dictator Benito Mussolini from captivity. Skorzeny was also the leader of Operation Greif, in which German soldiers were to infiltrate through enemy lines, using their opponents' uniforms and customs. At the end of the war, Skorzeny was part of the Werwolf guerrilla movement. Although charged with breaching the 1907 Hague Convention in relation with Operation Greif, the Dachau Military Tribunal acquitted Skorzeny after the war. Skorzeny fled from his holding prison in 1948, first to France, and then Spain. A German court de-Nazi-fied him in 1952.