| - Huoba Neva was a female Sullustan, and the daughter of a SoroSuub Corporation Executive Board member. Neva attended the Imperial Academy, graduating fourth in her class. However, her status as a female non-Human severely stunted her progression through the ranks. After several years of being passed over for promotion, and growing dissatisfied with the Galactic Empire's treatment of non-Human species, she was contacted by Sian Tevv. A political agitator and member of the Sullustan resistance movement, Tevv convinced Neva to defect to the Rebel Alliance.
| - Huoba Neva was a female Sullustan, and the daughter of a SoroSuub Corporation Executive Board member. Neva attended the Imperial Academy, graduating fourth in her class. However, her status as a female non-Human severely stunted her progression through the ranks. After several years of being passed over for promotion, and growing dissatisfied with the Galactic Empire's treatment of non-Human species, she was contacted by Sian Tevv. A political agitator and member of the Sullustan resistance movement, Tevv convinced Neva to defect to the Rebel Alliance. Neva found acceptance within the Alliance's ranks, and served both it and its successor state, the New Republic, with dedication. The elimination of an Imperial-backed insurgency in the Illoud system earned her commendations and the command of the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Rebel Star, making her the youngest Sullustan warship commander in the New Republic Navy. Captain Neva died during a mission to rescue the crew of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Liberator from Coruscant in 10 ABY, which had been damaged by Imperial forces while on a scouting mission to the galactic capital. As the Rebel Star emerged from hyperspace, it collided with battle debris in orbit around the planet with the loss of all hands.