| - Seven years ago Gunn sold his soul to the owner of a demon casino. Now he wants to collect.
* Absurdly High Stakes Game: Angel wages his soul and Gunn's against Jenoff in a card game.
* Accidental Innuendo (In-Universe)
* Bait and Switch
* Lorne notes that Wesley is too smart to walk into Angel Investigations. Just then the door opens and everyone looks up in surprise...to see Groo and Cordelia back from holiday.
* Fred points out that if Angel loses his soul playing the card game he'll turn into Angelus and kill them all. Angel hands Cordy a wooden stake and says she knows what to do if he loses. When Angel does lose, Cordy immediately rams the stake through Jenoff's palm, holding him in place so Angel can lop off his head.
* Bait and Switch Comment: Fred is the only member of the gang to visit Wes in the hospital and offer sympathy, only to give him a What the Hell, Hero? speech and tell Wes he's not to come back. She concludes by dropping the bombshell that the prophecy was false and that his actions were all for nothing.
* Big Damn Heroes: Team Angel turn up just in time to save Gunn from soul-sucking.
* Big Eater / Beyond the Impossible: Fred eats so much that even she is full.
* Blood Oath: A spike that comes out of a ring Jenoff is wearing draws blood while he's shaking Gunn's hand, which is then placed on the soul contract.
* Break Her Heart to Save Her / Something They Would Never Say: Gunn tries to push Fred away with some very mean words in order to spare her the pain of his leaving/death (not clear). Although visibly upset at first, she sees right through this ploy and tells the others he must be in some VERY BAD trouble because Gunn would never really say those things unless he was TRYING to push her away to protect her.
* Captain Obvious: The Fang Gang try their Big Damn Heroes thing, only to find they're vastly outnumbered in a casino full of demons.
* Character Development: The Blood Knight Death Seeker who'd sell his soul for a truck because he thinks he's got no future, has now become a man with True Companions and a Love Interest to lose.
* Comically Missing the Point: Groo as a Running Gag.
* Corner of Woe: Angel sits in his burnt-out room, staring at Connor's crib.
* Deal with the Devil
* Department of Redundancy Department
* Evil Brit / Evil Debt Collector / Lennon Specs: The demon Repo Man.
* Expository Hairstyle Change: Saint Cordy returns from her holiday as a blonde with a Bob Haircut.
* Eye Scream: Jenoff sucks out a soul by jamming his fingers in the debtors' eyes.
* Face Death with Dignity: Jenoff notes that Gunn is one of the few people who've come back to pay their debt of their own free will, rather than being dragged in by his Mooks.
* Flash Back: To 17 year-old Gangbanger!Gunn's deal with Jenoff.
* Hawaiian-Shirted Tourist: Groo returning from his holiday with Cordy.
* Iconic Item: Wesley's china tea set is packed up in a box and delivered to him by Fred. Cordy realises Angel is starting to move on when he begins dismantling Connor's crib.
* Impaled Palm / Off with His Head: Jenoff. It doesn't kill him.
* Last Day to Live: Having been told he's got to hand over his soul tomorrow, Gunn takes Fred out for a day of fun, frolic and food. Unfortunately Fred eventually realises what Gunn is up to, so he ends up feigning a relationship breakup.
* Like an Old Married Couple / Finishing Each Others Insults: Demon couple Monica and Syd.
* Loan Shark: Jenoff, a demonic casino owner who comes to collect Gunn's soul because he's in danger of losing it to Fred.
* Mundane Solution: Subverted -- Angel cuts off Jenoff's head, only for Gunn to say that if it was that easy he'd have killed Jenoff himself. Cue Oh Crap moment as Jenoff starts growing a new head.
* Mundane Wish / Cargo Ship: The beauty Gunn sold his soul for turns out to be the pickup truck he uses to fight vamps.
* My Card: The 'small rectangles' the Repo Man leaves with Groo.
* Never Heard That One Before
* Oblivious to Love: Angel tries to sum up Fred's distraught ramblings.
* The Confidant: Cordelia sits in Angel's burnt-out apartment with a good book so she can provide comfort and a sympathetic ear when he needs it.
* Red Eyes, Take Warning: Jenoff
* Rule of Symbolism: Wesley returning to his empty apartment.
* Rule of Threes: Happens literally when Angel turns up the Three of Hearts (to Jerrod's Five of Clubs).
* Running Gag: From Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- Leprechauns don't exist.
* Short Distance Phone Call: Another one between Fred and Gunn as he turns up with breakfast waffles in bed for Fred.
* Spaghetti Kiss: The pancake kiss.
* Suspiciously Apropos Music: "Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio plays during the flashback to Gunn's gang days.
* True Companions: The knowledge that Gunn is in danger pulls Angel out of his funk, as he doesn't want to lose another member of his 'family'.
* Twisted Echo Cut
* Repo Man's first meeting with Gangbanger!Gunn.
* Walk in Chime In / Tempting Fate: Gunn surprisingly avoids being Covered in Gunge while killing a Stench demon.
* What the Hell, Hero?: Fred tells Wesley that he should have told his friends about the prophecy.
* Who Wants to Live Forever?
* Zerg Rush: Jenoff starts growing another head out of his body and it sounds pissed. Angel looks around at the casino patrons and says, "How many of you owe this guy money?" Team Angel rush out as everyone starts pounding on Jenoff.