| - Sonic the Hedgehog is facing his friends, Mina Mongoose, Miles "Tails" Prower and Mighty the Armadillo, who are under the influence of Mammoth Mogul's mind control. Sonic fends them off as best he can while Mogul points out his folly for not taking him seriously. Ash then jumps on Mina, asking her what she is doing. Sonic rebounds off of Mighty to grab Tails and then tells Mogul there is no way that he would take him out with those three. Mogul, through Mighty, concurs this point with usual fighting, but states there are "other chinks in your armor." He then sends the three away from Freedom HQ. Sonic and Ash proceed to the source of all the trouble.
| - Sonic the Hedgehog is facing his friends, Mina Mongoose, Miles "Tails" Prower and Mighty the Armadillo, who are under the influence of Mammoth Mogul's mind control. Sonic fends them off as best he can while Mogul points out his folly for not taking him seriously. Ash then jumps on Mina, asking her what she is doing. Sonic rebounds off of Mighty to grab Tails and then tells Mogul there is no way that he would take him out with those three. Mogul, through Mighty, concurs this point with usual fighting, but states there are "other chinks in your armor." He then sends the three away from Freedom HQ. Sonic and Ash proceed to the source of all the trouble. In New Mobotropolis's detention center, Sonic confronts Mogul in his cell, brushing off all of Mogul's remarks and asks where his friends are. Mogul tells them that Tails is flying as high as he can go until he passes out from the lack of oxygen and will fall to the ground. Mina is running to the center of the ocean where she will stop and drown. Mighty is walking into New Megaopolis without a fight, only to be dispatched by the Dark Egg Legion. Ash asks Sonic if he can get them, but Mogul states they are too far apart and that there is little time to save them all. Ash then declare that Mogul has won and asks what he wants. Mogul demands the Chaos Emerald that he sensed while in the prison. Sonic states that Mogul will give them their friends back unharmed or no deal. Mogul accepts and welcomes Sonic to the new Fearsome Foursome. NICOLE then appears and asks what Sonic and Ash are doing, but Sonic counters by asking where the Emerald is being kept. After getting the location from NICOLE, Sonic leaves with Ash, much to the bewilderment of NICOLE. As the duo head for the castle, NICOLE attempts to stop them, but they succeed in getting the emerald. Both of them quickly race to Mogul, despite NICOLE's pleas. Mogul regains the power he desired and immediately breaks out of his cell and teleports NICOLE away. Sonic asks Mogul what will happen next but Mogul states he is disbanding the new Fearsome Foursome, much to Sonic's confusion. Mogul then explains that he is not going to attack Sonic as he believes something or someone will step in to save him as it has always happened in the past. Weary of this "cosmic punch-line," he instead decides to wait it out even if it takes centuries, all the while never letting Sonic or his descendants rest easily. He then releases the other prisoners and teleports away with them in tow. Mighty, Tails and Mina are waiting for Sonic and Ash back at Freedom HQ. Ash comforts Mina while Sonic talks to Mighty and Tails. Both admit to feeling guilty while Tails adds that he is cold and Mighty says now he really knows how Knuckles feels. Sonic tries to cheer them up, saying that it's the bad guys that are running scared instead.