| - Bloodcat - Three foot long tailless mauve felinoid with a thin, hornlike protrusion at the end of its snout that it uses to stab its prey, then waits for it to bleed out. Its face is frequently covered in dried blood for this reason. It travels in packs of four to ten. Found in the light forests and grasslands of the main continent. Docen - A deer-like creature whose feet end in three hardened toes with thick claws, but with no antlers. Males kick with the forefeet in dominance rituals. Eats grasses, berries, and branches. Found in temperate to cold climes on the main continent. Miller's Dolphin - While entirely unrelated to the Terran dolphin (and not even possessing a melon), it bears an extremely strong external resemblance, save for having icy blue eyes. Narpuma - Playfully-named cousin of the bloodcat, it is a five foot long tailless brown alpine-dwelling felinoid with a vestigal horn coming out of the top of its muzzle. It feeds almost solely on Docen. Found in the Northeastern mountains of the main continent. Poelu - A stocky rust-colored five foot long caninoid (or possibly ursinoid) which burrows out enormous underground habitats for use in the winter. It has a symbiotic relationship with the Nakti, as the small insects protect it from parasites. Abandoned Poelu lairs are often adopted by mountain Yoescu tribes. Found in the hills and low mountains of the main continent. Sand Bunny - Traveling in packs of thirty or more, these hunchbacked, web-footed two foot long rodents are opportunistic scavengers, traveling from island to island and eating carcasses as much as a month old. Found in the Crystalnight Sea area. Sea Sloth - Ten foot long purplish aquatic mammal with enormous cheek pouches for the purpose of storing air. Seraff - Four foot tall pack animal with meat that's known to be deathly poisonous. Extremely strong, but shoots an acidic substance out of glands just above its nostrils when threatened. Found in the grassy lowlands of the main continent. Skimmer - A tiny, long-legged rodent with long, webbed fingers that it uses to sprint across the bogs it lives in, often more than 30 feet. They are known tool-users, collecting sharp rocks and half-burying them before bashing nuts and tough-skinned fruits against the sharp edge. There has been limited success in domesticating them as pets. Found in bogs and marshes on the main continent. Wiseman - White, fluffy cloven-hooved mammals whose milk is highly prized. Herbivorous, they are found on cliff tops and other high, rocky terrain on the main continent. Yoescu - Two foot tall weasel-like mammals with long prehensile tails and opposable thumbs. Semi-intelligent, they are also psionic. Omnivorous and found in almost every ecosystem on New Luna.