A mail piece designed to cover the chest is traditionally called a hauberk, haubergeon or byrnie depending on its length. Leggings may be referred to as chausses, Hoods are coifs, and hand items mittons. Mail is worn by hunters and shamans. Some mail armor sets:[citation needed]
* Chain of the Scarlet Crusade - Ideal for Levels 30-40
* The Elements - A level 60 Shaman specific set
* Gronnstalker's Armor - The tier 6 hunter set
Attributes | Values |
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- Mail armor
- Mail armor
| - Zbroje kolcze mogą być noszone przez wojowników i paladynów poniżej poziomu 40 oraz przez łowców i szamanów powyżej poziomu 40. Na poziomie 40 zarówno wojownicy, jak i paladyni zyskują dostęp do zbroi płytowych. Od początku opancerzenie kolcze może nosić rycerz śmierci, jednak zaczyna on w pełnym opancerzeniu płytowym, więc rzadko stosuje ten typ pancerza. Przykłady zestawów zbroi kolczych:
* Chain of the Scarlet Crusade - idealny dla graczy poziomu 30-40
* The Elements - zestaw szamana poziomu 60.
* Gronnstalker's Armor - zestaw łowcy szóstego szczebla.
- Image:INV Misc WartornScrap Chain.png Mail armor is worn by warriors and paladins below level 40, as well as hunters and shamans above level 40. At level 40, both warriors and paladins gain access to plate armor. Some mail armor sets:
* Chain of the Scarlet Crusade - Ideal for Levels 30-40
* The Elements - A level 60 Shaman specific set
* Gronnstalker's Armor - The tier 6 hunter set
- A mail piece designed to cover the chest is traditionally called a hauberk, haubergeon or byrnie depending on its length. Leggings may be referred to as chausses, Hoods are coifs, and hand items mittons. Mail is worn by hunters and shamans. Some mail armor sets:[citation needed]
* Chain of the Scarlet Crusade - Ideal for Levels 30-40
* The Elements - A level 60 Shaman specific set
* Gronnstalker's Armor - The tier 6 hunter set
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| - Zbroje kolcze mogą być noszone przez wojowników i paladynów poniżej poziomu 40 oraz przez łowców i szamanów powyżej poziomu 40. Na poziomie 40 zarówno wojownicy, jak i paladyni zyskują dostęp do zbroi płytowych. Od początku opancerzenie kolcze może nosić rycerz śmierci, jednak zaczyna on w pełnym opancerzeniu płytowym, więc rzadko stosuje ten typ pancerza. Przykłady zestawów zbroi kolczych:
* Chain of the Scarlet Crusade - idealny dla graczy poziomu 30-40
* The Elements - zestaw szamana poziomu 60.
* Gronnstalker's Armor - zestaw łowcy szóstego szczebla.
- Image:INV Misc WartornScrap Chain.png Mail armor is worn by warriors and paladins below level 40, as well as hunters and shamans above level 40. At level 40, both warriors and paladins gain access to plate armor. Some mail armor sets:
* Chain of the Scarlet Crusade - Ideal for Levels 30-40
* The Elements - A level 60 Shaman specific set
* Gronnstalker's Armor - The tier 6 hunter set
- A mail piece designed to cover the chest is traditionally called a hauberk, haubergeon or byrnie depending on its length. Leggings may be referred to as chausses, Hoods are coifs, and hand items mittons. Mail is worn by hunters and shamans. Some mail armor sets:[citation needed]
* Chain of the Scarlet Crusade - Ideal for Levels 30-40
* The Elements - A level 60 Shaman specific set
* Gronnstalker's Armor - The tier 6 hunter set Mail armor contributes to the Mail Specialization passive buff where if a player is wearing it they will get a stat bonus that will go towards their specializaton.