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It was quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the light sounds of breathing. Recovering from the previous days battle, Gai Nagareboshi, Yuuki Kaburagi, Jin Yoshina, Isshōmaru Ureshii, and Ichigo Kurosaki were all sleeping peacefully. In Gai's bed however, an additional person was sleeping. It was the young child who'd saved them all from being killed. His face and Gai's were identical in their slumber, despite their hair and choice of clothing being different, they could have been siblings. "W-What the hell!? Who the hell are you!?" Gai exclaimed, completely confounded.

  • A Sinister Loss Taken, A Second Chance Given
  • It was quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the light sounds of breathing. Recovering from the previous days battle, Gai Nagareboshi, Yuuki Kaburagi, Jin Yoshina, Isshōmaru Ureshii, and Ichigo Kurosaki were all sleeping peacefully. In Gai's bed however, an additional person was sleeping. It was the young child who'd saved them all from being killed. His face and Gai's were identical in their slumber, despite their hair and choice of clothing being different, they could have been siblings. "W-What the hell!? Who the hell are you!?" Gai exclaimed, completely confounded.
  • It was quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the light sounds of breathing. Recovering from the previous days battle, Gai Nagareboshi, Yuuki Kaburagi, Jin Yoshina, Isshōmaru Ureshii, and Ichigo Kurosaki were all sleeping peacefully. In Gai's bed however, an additional person was sleeping. It was the young child who'd saved them all from being killed. His face and Gai's were identical in their slumber, despite their hair and choice of clothing being different, they could have been siblings. "G-Gah..." Slowly opening his eyes, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid came to his senses. He felt a heavy pain upon his chest; it was as if he had been the epiccenter of a nuculear explosion. Clutching his head, Gai groaned in exhaustion, before noticing the person next to him. His eyes widened, before letting out a yelp. Leaping out of his bed, Gai flipped where he was once sleeping over in fright. "What the hell!?" The noise quickly woke the boy, who looked around with an expression more frightened than Gai's. He didn't speak, but his eyes were trained on Gai with an adoration...and a strange sort of hunger. "W-What the hell!? Who the hell are you!?" Gai exclaimed, completely confounded. "I'm Rika Ichigawa..." He said, his voice was low. "It's nice to see that you are in one piece Onī-chan. I slept by your side to make sure of it." On Rika's arms there were several bandages that extended to his neck. A side-effect of him using Kidō. "Damn, what the hell happened to you!?" Gai inquired, gazing at Rika's arms. Noting the boy's level of reiatsu, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid deduced that Rika was of similar heritage to him. Slapping the boy, Gai yelled sternly, "Are you an idiot!? We'll die if we use Kidō! ...Who the hell are you, anyway." "I'm sorry...but if I hadn't you'd all be dead..." Tears formed slightly in Rika's eyes at being reprimanded. It wasn't how he wanted his first meeting with Gai to go. Time to answer the question. "I'm sort of your little brother..." "...Tch. Whatever." Gai growled. He didn't care at all. It was probably a lie, after all. "...Why the hell did you bring us here, anyway?" "Master Kaito's orders..." Rika explained. He chucked nervously. "He sort of expected you all to lose. I'm under orders to help you all recover and then to boost your power.. I was reluctant at first, but he said I could meet you, and I agreed." "Waitaminute, he planned this out? That rat bastard!" Gai shook his fist, as he scanned the area for Kaito's presence. "He planned this from the start- I'mma kick his scrawny arse! You better run, science person!" Gai Nagareboshi, was never technology-savvy. Hell, he didn't even know what science was. "O-onī-chan calm down..." Rika insisted. "You'll wake the others. And this wasn't planned. He hoped you'd be able to procure them before they were activated, but he knew that if they were activated you'd lose. But please, don't get overly angry..." "...Tch." Gai crossed his arms, still deeply enbittered by this turn of events. "...So, what's going to happen, then?" The power that can tear open an abyss lost to a ensemble of young girls? "Well..." Rika looked nervous again. It seemed as if he always did. "Well..." Rika reached into his kosode, much like a woman reaching into her bra, and pulled out a small sack. "It's rather complicated..." "...Yes?" Gai was under the assumption that Rika would give him a dumbed-down version of an already dumbed-down explanation. "Well, you could train but that would take longer...though the power boost would be permanent..." He held the satchel. "These are reiatsu tablets Master made. If you eat them, you'll gain a decent boost in energy, but it only lasts a brief time...but it's quicker. You just have to writhe in pain for an hour or two." The way he said the last statement, despite it's content, was almost cute. Upon hearing these words, Gai shrunk back. "Yeah, no thanks. I'll pass on that 'pain' part. Suffered enough of it already at the hands of 'er." The moment that the word "'er" left Gai's mouth, he offhandedly pointed to a sleeping Yuuki Kaburagi. "I'm aware Onī-chan." Rika assured him. "B-but I can help. I can use Kidō to numb you, Kidō doesn't destroy me as much as you, Master made sure of that." He was insistent. "...Oh, yes, I'll take your obvious drugs." Gai smirked, replying sarcastically. "I'm wise to your tricks. What do you take me for- an idiot?" The Mototsu-Seishin hybrid swirled around, preparing to leave. Rika used his Telekinesis, and pulled Gai easily back towards him. "I'm also under orders not to let you leave..." He averted Gai's eyes. "I'm really sorry Onī-chan, but "no" isn't an option here." "...Tch. Dammit that science guy!" Closing his eyes, Gai uttered, "Well, if I must..." Quickly opening his eyes again, Gai's pupils became a slitted golden with crimson scelera. He prepared to release a burst of pure energy from his body; as if to decimate the surroundings and escape. "Onī-chan!!" Rika's voice became a high pitched-shriek, and instead of putting up a defence, he latched onto Gai, and actually began to suppress the energy. "Onī-chan, I'm not letting you refuse us!" "...Dammit, let go of me, brat." Gai snarled, before eventually giving in to Rika's demands. "...Alright, so...What happens now...?" Rika handed Gai a pill and had him swallow it. Then, his hands began to glow orange, simultaneously, the wounds that were bandaged began to bleed again. He ignored it however, placed his hands on Gai's shoulders, causing a feeling of numbness to spread throughout his body. It wouldn't be enough to completely mask the pain however, not by a long shot. "W-What the hell...!?" Every part in Gai's body shook, as he blanked out, overcome with pain. The Mototsu-Seishin hybrid collapsed to the ground with a *THUD!* Rika applied the numbing Kidō once more, causing a sharp pain to flow through his arms. He'd have to keep Gai alive through this. Meanwhile, a certain devil woman strolled back and forth, glancing at the four who stood before her. Her auburn hair blowing in the breeze, the woman's crimson eyes focused on the squad who remained immobile. "Ohoho~ Remember what I said...Don't kill Gai Nagareboshi. I need to keep him alive for a little more time. Then, do as you wish~" "He is alive." Blau spoke first. "We forgot our orders and were about to kill him though...but a boy with spiritual energy near identical to Gai's came and saved them all." "...Hmph. You should've killed that kid along with the rest of them~" The tone that the devil woman spoke in was cheerfully malicious. "But meh, what can you do~! If only Shichitenhakki was here..." "It wasn't our faul." Klar frowned. "The kid used a teleportation Kidō as well as a shield that blocked Blau's Unruhe. We didn't have time to do much." "...Meh. You failed, anyway~" The devil woman retorted. "Your orders were to stop the pursuers, but leave Gai alive." Lila butted in. "Technically, we didn't fail. None of them should be recovering anytime soon from the beating we've inflicted on them." Glaring at Lila, the devil woman thought about chasing after the liliac haired girl with a baseball bat to beat her silly, but decided not to. Sighing, the woman uttered, "You. Still. Failed. Alrighty-o, then, here's your next mission: Clean my attic~" before moonwalking off. This devil woman was never right in the head- it was becoming more and more apparant that this was the case to the four Hinagun. "Oh, and go searching for survivors~ There's always survivors~ You are the most cliched villains ever. You're supposed to slice up their bodies after you've defeated them before burning the remains then launch the ashes into space. Toodles~" "She truly is insane..." Platz murmured. "Either way, our orders are our orders. However, I refuse to clean an attic." They all quickly vanished in a flash of green light. "Oi! You get back 'ere, or I'mma judo flip you over my back!" The devil woman screeched, as she skipped towards the two in fury. They all quickly scattered. Screams were filling the room. They were two feminine voices, screaming in unison. The voices, similar only slightly, were coming from two different people. Gai Nagareboshi was on the floor shaking in pain, and Rika was trying his best to numb his brother's pain at the price of his own. Under his bandages he was bleeding, and he possessed several new wounds, fresher than before. However, his body wasn't collapsing like Gai's normally would. Kaito had done a good job. Gai's screams began to die down, and, as soon as they did, Rika collapsed, blood continuing to poor out of his pale body. Slowly standing up, Gai grasped his head, before gaining a stable footing. Power coursed throughout his body, causing the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid to emanate a golden aura. This energy surged through his body. Releasing a triumphant roar, Gai's eyes shone a menacing golden with blood-red scelera. "...Alright, let's get started." Rika's regeneration was already kicking in, and he was able to sit up slightly, but he was wincing. "How...do you...feel now...Onī-chan?" "...Tch. Of course...Thanks for that." Gai responded, as he summoned his blade to his hands. There was no way in hell that he would go down to those wenches a second time. "Don't get hurt..." Rika thought, slumping up against a wall. Now he had to wait for his brother's return, and to watch over the fallen. The four Hinagun had managed to outstrip their master and were now on their way to searching for the survivors. However, what was getting their attention was the enormous reiatsu headed their way. Reappearing in front of the four, Gai gripped his sword's hilt. A power coursed through the blade, bathing it in a radiant aura. "Yatte yaruze, Kakusei!" These words resounded throughout the air, as the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid entered a fighting stance, assured that he would not falter a second time. "Oh that is some fierce spiritual pressure." Klar said, smirking. "Did you get stronger Gai Nagareboshi?" "Of course. Just watch. This is how you take on four Captain-level opponents at the same time." Pointing Kakusei no-one in particular, light amassed and convered upon the blade, turning it a brilliant golden. "Kōshiga..." Kakusei converted Gai's reiatsu into "companionship energy", intensifying the energy by convergence and acceleration. "Yakushin!" Swinging his blade forward with tremendous force, enough to split the very air itself, Gai released a brilliant white jagged arc which had two angelic wings on each side to the dead center of his foes at near light speeds, devastating the landscape at it travelled through the air, ripping at the very nature of Soul Society itself, closing it on its targets with incredible force. This attack packed ten times the force of the original Yakushin, and it sure as hell wouldn't fail. Together, each of them raised a Crystal Wall, focusing enough power make a decent shield against the Kōshiga Yakushin, but only long enough for them to scatter. "It seems Gai Nagareboshi has gotten better than we wanted. I don't think the devil woman will be pleased with this." Klar murmured. "No..." Lila frowned. "We have to execute that. After all, she wants him alive." Blau and Klar clasped hands, with Lila and Platz quickly following suit. Platz quickly became assimilated into Blau, and Lila into Klar. Light began to flash as Klar and Blau merged with one another. The light compressed into a small ball and silence. Then, it flashed with blinding glory and a sound that shook the area as the ball of light quickly expanded, vaporizing everything that it washed over. When it died down, a young girl with curly white hair and a very revealing suit was floating in the air over a crater that looked like a large meteor had struck. She floated down, her eyes on Gai, a smile on her face. "Nice to meet face to face, Gai Nagareboshi." When she spoke, it was of varying pitches at the same time, the voices of the Hinagun all audible. "I am Göttin." "W-What the hell...!? What kinda Dragon Ball ripoff is this!?" The Mototsu-Seishin hybrid exclaimed, as he witnessed the snow-white haired girl touching down upon the ground. "...A fusion, eh...?" Looks like I need to kick this up a notch." Gai's eyes flashed an ominous golden, as his pupils contracted in a reptillian way with a 'cross-like' pattern and his scelera became a haunting crimson. Purgatorial flames swirled around his body for a brief moment as negative energy flowed from the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid, spiraling out in all direction as he underwent a radical transformation. Alongside this negative energy, Gai's own positive eenrgy enveloped his body, creating the perfect fusion of Yin and Yang. Gai's hair grew longer, which travelled to his mid-abdomen. Red rib-cage like protrusions pointed at the center of his chest. He also has spiked shoulder-plates which were white and red, and his entire body became purely white. He wore a tattered white robe, which greatly flared at the edges and had black protrusions coming out of them. With this he wore white hakama with black stripes that were kept fitting with a black obi sash at his waist. Gai also had multiple black rings floating around his head like a halo with multiple Kōshiga Yakushin waves floating around him in the form of "wings". This was the Awakened Form of Gai Nagareboshi; the Envoy of Destruction. Göttin raised her hands, creating a pocket dimension so fast it wasn't immediately detectable, until it was revealed they were in darkness. However, this wasn't to last long. With a few simple gestures, they were revealed to be in a very natural surroundings. The wind was blowing, the sun was shining. There was only one thing different. Gai could feel pressure, much more-so than from where he had just come from. "Welcome to a new world Gai Nagareboshi." Göttin didn't seem to feel the pressure at all. "I created this as a treat just for you. A literal new world with gravity 500x that of our own." "...I don't the reference, seriously. Was that a filler episode? ...Meh." Shifting his focus from what Dragon Ball Z episodes he didn't watch to the main task at hand. "No gravity? No problem. If I can't move around, then I'll just hit you with my most powerful attack from all directions." Pouring all the strength in his body into the two arms grasping the hilt tightly, Gai Nagareboshi lifted the enormous sword up high. Light gathered and condensed, merging into a blinding brilliance. Proudly uplifting this blade, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid now loudly declared the name of the attack of the blade he held in his hands. "Ain! Soph! AUR!" Light galloped and roared ferociously. The reiatsu, accelerated by the factor of the Envoy of Destruction's power and Gai's willpower, became a streak of light, a swirling and surging torrent that threatened to devour his opponent along with the world she had formed. "After this battle, pay your respects to the Fourth Wall Gai Nagareboshi!" Her hand glowed a dark crimson red, the colour of blood, and she released a blast of Unruhe that was of equal size and power, clashing brutally with attack Gai used. They cancelled each other out, resulting in a massive explosion that destroyed the dimension she created. But before they could feel the relief of the real world, they quickly crashed into an ocean, falling deep into breathable water. "The Fourth Wall can go suck it!" Gai responded, as the multiple arcs floating behind his back arranged themselves in a similar manner to shark fins; allowing Gai absolute mobility in watery domains. "...If you're inquiring how I did that...I have no idea either!" The Mototsu-Seishin hybrid declared, as he shot forwards towards his foe, tearing apart the water itself; aiming to headbutt her small face. She sidestepped, her fingers grazing his skin as she jumped back. In her hand was something that was a wispy white. She smiled as a large red beam of energy blasted out of nowhere at him. In an almost erotic fashion she licked the white wisps from her fingers. "Your soul tastes rather like vanilla ice cream, Gai Nagareboshi." Being knocked back by the beam, Gai grimaced, as he thought to himself, "How the hell does she know!?" Great. Just great. Now everyone and their mothers and their mothers' lolicakes knew of the taste of his soul. Nika's troll throttle was stuck on full, that was for sure. He could imagine her with the infamous 'trollface' in the place of her own derpy-eyed and goofy looking face. "Damn devil woman! Don't make me lose focus!" Gritting his teeth, Gai declared "Kokugenei!". The Mototsu-Seishin hybrid leapt up and down, dragging out the noise so that the sound of his feet tapping on the ground wasn't heard until after his feet had left the floor again. Once the sound lag was at its fullest, Gai leapt forward like a bullet train, producing a sonic boom that destroyed everything in front of and behind himself, propelling himself at his foe at inconcievable speeds. Yes. A sonic boom. Underwater. These moments were incomprehensible, yet people just accepted their occurances anyway. She only faded deeper into the water however, obscuring herself as Gai raced ever downward. The water in front of her and around Gai quickly changed, solidifying. She had Fullbrought it and solidified it into ice. She smirked at the trapped boy. "...Damn!" Gai scowled, as he collided with the now-tangible formation, his tongue stuck to the ice. Truly, being Gai Nagareboshi, the sole Mototsu-Seishin hybrid in existence was suffering. With sheer force, Göttin swung her arm, unleashing pressured water which shattered the ice completely into sharp fragments which tore through the water, the shards closest to Gai already cutting into him. Despite being sliced and stabbed by frozen shards, Gai only let out a small "Ow." Such a underreaction to a major injury was because of his immense durability; he could survive even a air raid without nothing but a scratch. Releasing a mighty roar, Gai blew away the remaining shards, before thrusting Kakusei out, which became immersed and overloaded by positive and negative energy, taking upon a new form. The energy extended and expanded to truly incredible lengths, before solidifying. The new Kakusei was made up of made up of two crossing Tensa Zangetsu, with the curve near the tips facing outward. In the middle of the handguards of the twin Tensa, there was a single bar which curved down, providing another hilt for Gai to grasp in his clawed hand. It had a filigree that slightly resembled the one on Zennōsha Kakusei, and the blade slightly resembled Kotoamatsukami. The sword was approximately the size of the average school bus in length, and it shone illustriously. Swinging it around, Gai then launched himself at Göttin at beyond incomprehensible speeds. Göttin swiftly duplicated the same blade that Gai produced, and didn't move from her spot, instead, swinging her blade with a Crystal Wall of such power it was able to match the force of Gai's collision, destroying it utterly but keeping their blades intact. Both Göttin and Gai were face to face now. "Tell me something Gai Nagareboshi. Why do you fight me?" Her emerald eyes seemed to be staring into his vanilla-flavoured soul. "You have no real quarrel with me, and I am simply following orders. You could run you know." "Someone like you could never understand. All I've been fighting for these past couple of days...it's because..." Gai cut himself off, instead of retorting with something that could sound ridiculous, he decided to keep his trap shut and focus upon defeating his foe. Leaping through the water, Gai gritted his teeth, forcing a grin that threatened to split his head in two before executing a high-speed spinning slash directed at his foe's shoulder. She responded in kind, using the tip of her blade to deflect Gai's , and jumped back, wanting to gain as much distance as possible. Her blade began reiatsu into "companionship energy", intensifying the energy by convergence and acceleration, and power began to make itself known. "Kōshiga Yakushin." Her swing was swift and clean, unleashing a brilliant white jagged arc which had two angelic wings on each side. the blast completely tore through the water, parting it like Moses parted the Red Sea as it made it's way to Gai. "...Tch! Reiraku Byakuya!" A torrent of reishi spiralled out from the blade, coating Gai's weapon in spiritual energy. At the instant that the arc was pierced, Gai's blade completely absorbed the energy, causing it to give off a radiant glow. Quickly swinging around his sword, Gai returned reishi of the arc back to his foe, shouting, "Shōha Rekkōsen!" This reishi transfigured itself into the form of a phoenix-shaped arc of light which shot towards her at trmendous speeds. "Radierer." Göttin released a devastating blast of Unruhe, cancelling out Gai's phoenix. Four floating discs formed under Gai and above him, angling towards each other. In an instant, there was a flash of crimson as each of the discs release sweeping beams of Unruhe. Finally, they each the remaining energy towards one focal point...Gai himself, causing an explosion of great heat and power, evaporating most of the water around them and causing exposed sky to darken. Göttin looked on with a slight smile, her large curls blowing in the wind from the blast. As the dust settled, the beast that Gai Nagareboshi was at that moment slowly stood, still grasping his blade with both hands. "G-Gah, what the hell...!?" He was at an utter loss for words. What was that attack just then? He knew that it wasn't a good idea to drag this fight out longer to try and figure out what the heck it was. Light amassed and convered upon the blade in Gai's hands, turning it a brilliant golden. "Kōshiga..." Kakusei converted Gai's reiatsu into "companionship energy", intensifying the energy by convergence and acceleration. "Yakushin!" Swinging his blade forward with tremendous force, Gai released a brilliant white jagged arc which had two angelic wings on each side ar his foe at light speeds, ripping at the very nature of Soul Society itself, closing it on Göttin with incredible force. Göttin was still recovering from her last technique. She could barely move and the technique hit her head on, colliding with her durable artificial body. However, it's strength managed to find purchase against her skin, going right through her and exploding somewhere behind here, eradicating most of the water they were in and breaking her dimension. She fell to the ground, half her body destroyed in it's entirety. "...Dammit! Why does that always happen!" Gai exclaimed, as he gazed upon the tragic sight of the young woman's body. Slowly walking over to her, his body regressed to his original state; before cradling his worthy adversary in his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Maybe in the next life...We can see each other on friendlier terms." The rest of her body collapsed into dust, revealing a small pill. It began to glow, before rising up. It sped away, moving faster than even Gai could follow. A Mod Soul pill. "Wait, what the...?" Gai exclaimed, as he watched the small pill float away. Sighing, Gai felt remorse for his actions. "...I'll get the person who did this to you." In an instant, a certain devil woman translocated behind him, whispering in his ear, "No, you won't~" before dissapearing again. Oddly enough, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid mistook such an insult for a breeze; an annoying, derpy-yet-manipulative breeze.
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