| - O: Eh!? Can I really say it? That last letter, for my sake... you left it off for me to say? Sigh---... Thanks. Okay then I'll say it okay?! Three, two, one, "m". I SAID IT WRONG!!! (SHOCK) O: Stop, stop. ...I said stop. Stop, stop, stop, STOP!!! (vein pop) Wheeze...wheeze.... You're back, Curse of the Panties. Worth 3 postcards. All over the surface, "panties" was written 3787 times (I counted)!! I'm not going to post this next time! It wasn't even a question or anything! There were even things like "penties" or "panites" in the middle!!
| - O: Eh!? Can I really say it? That last letter, for my sake... you left it off for me to say? Sigh---... Thanks. Okay then I'll say it okay?! Three, two, one, "m". I SAID IT WRONG!!! (SHOCK) O: Stop, stop. ...I said stop. Stop, stop, stop, STOP!!! (vein pop) Wheeze...wheeze.... You're back, Curse of the Panties. Worth 3 postcards. All over the surface, "panties" was written 3787 times (I counted)!! I'm not going to post this next time! It wasn't even a question or anything! There were even things like "penties" or "panites" in the middle!! File:SBS65 1 Keimi.png D: I am a fourth grader who loves Fisher Tiger. I'm always looking forward to the releases. I have a question for Oda-sensei. What is inside Camie's backpack? P.N. Aselola No. 1 O: Hmm-. Dreams, probably. Oh and maybe also soy sauce and butter (for the clams). File:SBS65 1 Swords.png D: This is a question, but in volume 10, Hacchan names himself, "In Fishman Island with the exception of one person, The No. 1 swordsman 'Six Swords Style Hachi' ", so is that one exception Hyouzou? If I'm wrong, please kill me. P.N. Yuurakuron O: No, it's correct! Is it really a question worth staking your life on!?(sweat) They both trained at the same sword fighting dojo, but Hachi was no match at all for Hyouzou.