Zack Synder's Batman Series is a movie series based off the superhero Batman. It is composed of four films and a spin-off, each of them directed by Zack Synder. The first one, Batman, was released in 2014 to critical acclaim and a box-office earning of $524 million. This was followed by the second film, Batman II, released in 2017 to similar scores and brought in $731 million. The third film, Batman Revelations (released in 2021), received the highest scores and earned an unbelievable $913 million. The conclusion of the series, Batman Legacy (released in 2024), got the second highest score on Rotten Tomatoes and earned $806 million in the box office. A spin-off titled Nightwing was released in 2026 with the titular hero as the main character. It earned positive reviews and $347 million in
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| - Zack Synder's Batman Series
| - Zack Synder's Batman Series is a movie series based off the superhero Batman. It is composed of four films and a spin-off, each of them directed by Zack Synder. The first one, Batman, was released in 2014 to critical acclaim and a box-office earning of $524 million. This was followed by the second film, Batman II, released in 2017 to similar scores and brought in $731 million. The third film, Batman Revelations (released in 2021), received the highest scores and earned an unbelievable $913 million. The conclusion of the series, Batman Legacy (released in 2024), got the second highest score on Rotten Tomatoes and earned $806 million in the box office. A spin-off titled Nightwing was released in 2026 with the titular hero as the main character. It earned positive reviews and $347 million in
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| - Zack Synder's Batman Series is a movie series based off the superhero Batman. It is composed of four films and a spin-off, each of them directed by Zack Synder. The first one, Batman, was released in 2014 to critical acclaim and a box-office earning of $524 million. This was followed by the second film, Batman II, released in 2017 to similar scores and brought in $731 million. The third film, Batman Revelations (released in 2021), received the highest scores and earned an unbelievable $913 million. The conclusion of the series, Batman Legacy (released in 2024), got the second highest score on Rotten Tomatoes and earned $806 million in the box office. A spin-off titled Nightwing was released in 2026 with the titular hero as the main character. It earned positive reviews and $347 million in the box office.