| - Kidō (鬼道, Demon/Spirit Way; Viz "Demon Arts") is a form of Shinigami combat based on advanced spells. These spells are produced with strong Reiryoku and fall into two categories: Hadō for direct attacks, and Bakudō for battle support. It is one of the techniques in the Zankensoki, the group of Shinigami primary combat skills. Kidō spells are triggered by an incantation. Experienced users can trigger them without an incantation, though the effectiveness of the spell may be diminished. The Kidō Corps is a branch of Soul Society's military which excels in the mastery of Kidō.
- Kidō (鬼道, dt. Weg des Dämonen) ist die Art von Magie, die die Shinigami benutzen.
- In the manga and anime series Bleach, kidō(鬼道, literally "way of the demon") are a form of magic used by Soul Reapers.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ <default>Kidō</default> Kanji Romaji Po polsku Statystyki techniki Typ Numer Używana przez Oznaczenie Kidō (鬼道, Droga Demonów; JPF "Magia Demonów") jest jedną z czterech podstawowych form walki Shinigami, przynajmniej według Sōsuke Aizena. Kidō to technika, której używają Shinigami, by skupić swoją energię duchową do różnych zaklęć. Mają zastosowanie w leczeniu, obronie lub walce. W tych umiejętnościach specjalizuje się Sekcja Kidō.
- thumb|Rukia Kuchiki realizando un Kidō El Kidō (鬼道, Vía del Demonio ?), también llamado Artes Demoníacas, es una de las cuatro formas básicas de combate que puede desarrollar un Shinigami. Mediante esta amplia disciplina el Shinigami puede enfocar su energía espiritual en forma de distintos hechizos consiguiendo efectos muy variados como son la curación, la defensa o el combate, entre otros.
- These spells are graded on a scale of 1 to 99, the latter being the most powerful and the most difficult to perform. In order to use Kidō one must recite the incantation, state the name of the spell, and call its number. For someone skilled enough in a particular Kidō spell, the incantation is not necessary, but reciting it will increase the potential power of the spell. There are three main types of Kidō: binding spells, destruction spells, and healing spells. Binding spells are a broad category referring to anything designed to halt or deter an enemy, destructive spells refer to anything designed to specifically harm an enemy, and healing spells, which do not require names, numbers, or incantations to cast, simply heal the Shinigami's comrades. Even a lower-level Destructive Spell, such
- Kido je technika, kdy Shinigami používá zaměření na svou duchovní energii do nejrůznějších kouzel, které mohou sloužit mnoha účelům, jako je léčení, obrana, nebo boj. Podle Sōsuke Aizen, je jedním ze čtyř základních forem boje Shinigami. Kido sbor je pobočkou vojenského Soul Society, která vyniká v mistrovství Kido. Typy Kido Existují tři hlavní typy Kido: obranná (vázací) kouzla, bojová kouzla a léčivá kouzla. ■ Bakudō: Jedná se o široké kategorie obranných kouzel, které blokují / odrazit útoky nepřátel, nebo svazují jistém místě. Hanki: schopnost, která může neutralizovat soupeřovi pohyby.
- Each spell is graded on a scale from 1 to 99, the latter being the most powerful and the most difficult to perform. The scale is a measure of difficulty, as there can be multiple spells which share the same level. To use Kidō, a Shinigami must recite the specific incantation for the spell, which is often long and requires a few seconds to speak. The power of a spell relies on the power of the user, as even a low-level spell can be utterly devastating when utilized by a high-class Shinigami.