| - Willow was born Willowkit in ThunderClan to Dewdawn and Hareleap, with her only sibling, Cinderkit. Hareleap is killed during a ShadowClan ambush when they were four moons old, and Dewdawn dies of greencough shortly afterward. They are taken in by Echocinder, who was nursing Wildfire's kits: Kinkkit, Foxkit, and Fallowkit. They are quickly made into apprentices, with her mentor being Rushstem. Willowpaw and Cinderpaw then receive their warrior names, Willowsong and Cinderstorm. But at the last minute, she touches the object and becomes a Twoleg named Willow.
| - Willow was born Willowkit in ThunderClan to Dewdawn and Hareleap, with her only sibling, Cinderkit. Hareleap is killed during a ShadowClan ambush when they were four moons old, and Dewdawn dies of greencough shortly afterward. They are taken in by Echocinder, who was nursing Wildfire's kits: Kinkkit, Foxkit, and Fallowkit. They are quickly made into apprentices, with her mentor being Rushstem. When Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Buford, Baljeet, Candace, Jeremy, Suzy, Doofenshmirtz, and Vanessa were found as cats on the territory, Willowpaw and Cinderpaw lead them to camp, where the leader Specklestar makes them warriors. Phineas becomes Redfire, Ferb becomes Grasswind, Isabella becomes Ravenpetal, Buford becomes Sparrowclaw, Baljeet becomes Shadewhisker, Candace becomes Petalblaze, Jeremy becomes Sunmask, Suzy becomes Berrypaw with the mentor Ashflame, Doofenshmirtz becomes Hawktalon, and Vanessa becomes Birchrain. Willowpaw and Cinderpaw then receive their warrior names, Willowsong and Cinderstorm. Willowsong sees the group leaving ThunderClan. Willowsong asks why they have to leave. Redfire said they're really Twolegs (people) who became cats when an invention of their's backfired. She then sees the mysterious object that they were all touching to get them back home. She says her last goodbyes to them and slowly pads back to camp. But at the last minute, she touches the object and becomes a Twoleg named Willow. She becomes Isabella's step-sister, being adopted by her family. She finds her sister, along with her mate and kits, had followed her through, but they remained cats. She adopts them as her pets. While out on a bike ride around the neighborhood, she findes two platipi, one pale purple and the other black with white spots on her legs. She adopts them and names them Berry and Mockingjay.