| - Darth Traya was a Human female who had served as a Jedi Master named Arren Kae during the years prior to the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars, and later a Sith Lord known as the Lord of Betrayal. She was the mother of Lucien Draay, who was later known as Darth Sion. Later in life, after she turned to the dark side, the traits that she had exhibited in her former profession suited her new role as master schemer and Sith Lord. Having been betrayed by both the Jedi and the Sith, she dreamed of exacting her revenge—not toward both or either group, however—but rather against what she truly felt had destined her for such betrayals: the Force itself.
| - Darth Traya was a Human female who had served as a Jedi Master named Arren Kae during the years prior to the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars, and later a Sith Lord known as the Lord of Betrayal. She was the mother of Lucien Draay, who was later known as Darth Sion. Later in life, after she turned to the dark side, the traits that she had exhibited in her former profession suited her new role as master schemer and Sith Lord. Having been betrayed by both the Jedi and the Sith, she dreamed of exacting her revenge—not toward both or either group, however—but rather against what she truly felt had destined her for such betrayals: the Force itself. When she found Zayne Carrick, a unique being who she saw as having had the potential to bring her dream of revenge against the Force to fruition, Kreia took it upon herself to "rescue" the exile and retrain him in her own views. Even as she orchestrated the First Jedi Purge, Kreia continued in her attempts to mold Zayne, and those he traveled with aboard the Ebon Hawk, into her own image. After the Battle of Telos IV, Zayne journeyed to Malachor V to finally confront Kreia, who had finally been revealed as Darth Traya, dueling and ultimately killing her in the depths of the Trayus Academy.