| - Craftsman's Writs are dispensed by Dispatch Commander Metz, outside Light's Hope Chapel, through the following quests:
* File:Neutral 15.png [60] They Call Me "The Rooster"
* File:Neutral 15.png [60] Craftsman's Writ (repeatable version of the above) In order to receive a writ, a player must turn in one Argent Dawn Valor Token. Each writ, when opened, offers a quest for the player to supply the Argent Dawn with a certain number of a particular type of goods. All the goods requested are craftable or obtainable through player professions, with the major raw materials obtainable within the Eastern Plaguelands. The writ awarded from this exchange, and hence the goods the player must supply, is randomly assigned from the choices given in the list below. However Craftsman's Writs are not soulbound to the player, so the player may choose to trade or sell their writ if they wish, or purchase more preferable writs on the auction house. To complete a writ quest, the player must turn in their goods to Packmaster Stonebruiser, also at Light's Hope Chapel. As a reward, the player may choose either an Insignia of the Dawn or Insignia of the Crusade and also receive a further reputation increase with the Argent Dawn. The insignias, when saved to an appropriate number, may then be turned in for rare and epic items from the quests Superior Armaments of Battle and Epic Armaments of Battle.