| - This character was born specifically because KingK.Rool wanted a moveset that would really make its mark on the Top 50. Knowing that the final day of the contest was to be Halloween, he wanted to leave a great final impression, getting in the last moveset of the contest, and knew that the key was the timing; a Halloween character for Halloween would surely impress. He quickly thought of the legend of The Headless Horseman, and was shocked at how easily the ideas flowed. He conspired to keep this character a secret for additional effect, although he let slip a few times that he was making a final moveset, and actually told directly who it would be.
| - This character was born specifically because KingK.Rool wanted a moveset that would really make its mark on the Top 50. Knowing that the final day of the contest was to be Halloween, he wanted to leave a great final impression, getting in the last moveset of the contest, and knew that the key was the timing; a Halloween character for Halloween would surely impress. He quickly thought of the legend of The Headless Horseman, and was shocked at how easily the ideas flowed. He conspired to keep this character a secret for additional effect, although he let slip a few times that he was making a final moveset, and actually told directly who it would be. In order to truly outdo himself, K.Rool paced himself when making this, doing a certain segment of the moveset each day. He had to work very quickly to be able to finish in time, and despaired a few times of making it. However, when he completed the Aerials all at once, he found the final push he needed to complete it. The Horseman's format was based completely off of the one K.Rool had earlier used for Kirby and the updated Pidgeot, with an Attack-Notes layout for increased readability. He opted to use Halloween colours and a somewhat cryptic and creepy writing style throughout, giving all of the attacks grandiose, sinister names.