| - Vor, senior officer of Radical Dreamers and member of the flag Dream Reapers, sails the Midnight Ocean.
- VOR-wa vöčuol objekt riolaisa dè suokxie.
- VOR (Very high frequency Omnidirectional Radio range) is an
- Vor was a normal Matoran on Engima City for several hundred years. During this time, he befriended another Matoran named Adir, and became his most trusted companion. One day, as he was going along his normal duties, he found Adir battered and almost dead on the road. As he noticed his friend's colorful costume, Adir told him with his dying breath that he was the wielder of the Grammar Hammer, a weapon of immense power. He was battling his arch enemy the Grand One to the death, a battle which Adir had lost. He then gave Vor the Hammer and told him that he was chosen to wield the legendary weapon next. Vor picked up the Hammer and was instantly transformed with the same costume Adir had. He also gained much knowledge and also found that he was in charge of guarding an supreme weapon made by
- While Vors seemed inscrutable and nearly emotionless by Human standards, they were capable of creating music that was considered beautiful both by the Vors themselves and by members of other species. Throughout the galaxy, the Vors were renowned for the Cathedral of Winds, a colossal building on Vortex that created music by vibrating with the wind. Annually, the Vors played a concert in the Cathedral, flying through it to open and close windows and doors, using the Cathedral like an organ. The structure became one of the Twenty Wonders of the Galaxy but was generally considered a myth until the Vors joined the Old Republic.
- The Vor, otherwise known as the Vor class, were the military caste and the aristocracy of the planet Barrayar. Barrayarans who were not Vor were occasionally referred to in the books as plebes or proles. Vor status was considered genetic, hereditary, and inescapable. All Vor surnames began with the syllable Vor-, often prefixed to a recognizable surname from some Earth nation (e.g. Vorsmythe).
- Developed from earlier Visual-Aural Range (VAR) systems the VOR was designed to provide 360 courses to and from the station selectable by the pilot. Early vacuum tube transmitters with mechanically-rotated antennas were widely installed in the 1950s, and began to be replaced with fully solid-state units in the early 1960s. They became the major radio navigation system in the 1960s, when they took over from the older radio beacon and four-course (low/medium frequency range) system. Some of the older range stations survived, with the four-course directional features removed, as non-directional low or medium frequency radiobeacons (NDBs).
- The Vors were a sentient species inhabiting the Mid Rim world Vortex. They were thin, brittle-boned reptilian mammals who flew on leathery wings. Although they were a flying species, they lived in underground hummocks. While Vors seemed inscrutable and nearly emotionless by Human standards, they were capable of creating music that was considered beautiful both by the Vors themselves and by members of other species.
- Los vors eran los habitantes del planeta Vortex en el Borde Medio. Eran reptiles delgados de huesos huecos que volaban con alas de piel. Aunque eran una especie voladora, vivían en casas subterráneas. Si bien los vors parecían inescrutables y casi sin emociones ante los estándares humanos, eran capaces de crear gran belleza con su música. Poco después de que los yuuzhan vong conquistaran Duro, Vortex también cayó ante los invasores extragalácticos. Se desconoce el destino de la Catedral de los Vientos bajo la ocupación yuuzhan vong.