| - A tough little map that is easily broken down into lots of little victories where guard distraction becomes massively useful and those cigarette packets come into their own. Date: June 10, 1942 Place: Crete, Greece. Historic Background: June, 1942. The German advance in North Africa comes to a halt at the outskirts of Tobruk. The siege gets longer and longer as the Allies desperately defend the town. This is the occasion that the German High Command was waiting for to test its new secret weapons. By sheer chance, one of those weapons, the HS 293 bomb, has fallen on the island of Crete without exploding, halfway to its target. Your mission consists in recovering its navigation system. The study of that system will allow Allied technology to catch up with that of the III Reich. Tactical Advice: ​Welcome, officer. In this mission, you must recover the guidance system of the secret bomb HS 293. To do this, you must sneak pass the tight security system that is guarding the bomb. Once you have it in your possession, place it in the lorry, escape down the road to the west. That will be all. You must take all necessary precautions.