| - The story of New Greater Latvian Kingdom goes to past couple of years before it was created. In 2015 Latvia first changed Hiidenmaa and Saarenmaa with Northern par tof Latvia with Estonia. Next important part is the rebellion, what made old government to flee on to the exile to Russia. Same time princess Rozālija Beatrize Sofija Krūmiņa, were crowned. After this third world war started. NGLK were puppeted by Kalmar Union, which started to destroy their moral. their Country were broke down after Mexican troops liberated Latvia from Kalmar Union. as their country were destroyed, there wasn't bread for everyone, and some people started to starve. Shortly after hearing this, Princess take an action, with Governments of Estonia and Lithuania, and firstly, she sold all items from her palace to b
| - The story of New Greater Latvian Kingdom goes to past couple of years before it was created. In 2015 Latvia first changed Hiidenmaa and Saarenmaa with Northern par tof Latvia with Estonia. Next important part is the rebellion, what made old government to flee on to the exile to Russia. Same time princess Rozālija Beatrize Sofija Krūmiņa, were crowned. After this third world war started. NGLK were puppeted by Kalmar Union, which started to destroy their moral. their Country were broke down after Mexican troops liberated Latvia from Kalmar Union. as their country were destroyed, there wasn't bread for everyone, and some people started to starve. Shortly after hearing this, Princess take an action, with Governments of Estonia and Lithuania, and firstly, she sold all items from her palace to be able to give food for her people. Estonia also suggested on this time for uniting Baltics into one, so they could prevent same as was happen on Third World War. Next thing that happended was the attack from old government, as they tried to get their old rule back. this was prevented by Estonian and Lithuanian troops, while NGLK didn't have any army, and were buying them from Mexico. After this, NGLK united with both Estonia, Lithuania and Belarus, which were torn apart by Ukraine. From that point, everything what happens will be on the future.