| - Name: Lucina, Cutecina, Lewdcina Origin: Fire Emblem, but the meme comes from 4chan Gender: Female, Reverse trap (she only has a flat chest) Age: 20's Classification: Human, waifu, girl that needs protection, hug machine Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, so cute, so lewd, she can change fate, her hope will never die, expert huger Attack Potency: Kawaii level (caused Meta Knight to go "Eh?", she is so cute that even Palutena hits on her and caused Pikachu to go "Awww", Kirby adores her ) Range: Short (she doesn't "reach that much") Weaknesses: Shulk, has A-cup angst
| - Name: Lucina, Cutecina, Lewdcina Origin: Fire Emblem, but the meme comes from 4chan Gender: Female, Reverse trap (she only has a flat chest) Age: 20's Classification: Human, waifu, girl that needs protection, hug machine Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, so cute, so lewd, she can change fate, her hope will never die, expert huger Attack Potency: Kawaii level (caused Meta Knight to go "Eh?", she is so cute that even Palutena hits on her and caused Pikachu to go "Awww", Kirby adores her ) Striking Strength: Very hard level (rumors say that she compensates her "size" with "quality") Durability: Aww so tough (no matter who she fights, doesn't matter "size", "power" or "stamina" she is gonna take it like a woman) Range: Short (she doesn't "reach that much") Standard Equipment: Falchion, her cuteness, her lewdness Intelligence: Average, but she knows how to "compensate" Weaknesses: Shulk, has A-cup angst -Awww so cute: Causes someone to have a heart-attack due how cute she is -Akairiot drawings: It's one of his waifus