| - “Look who it is boys, our good friend Epin. How ya been buddy?”, Arod Vekkar said as he strode over to Epin, who was exiting a furniture shop after finishing a sale. “Hey Arod...”, Epin said, turning the other way. Vekkar started after him, with his Sons gang following him. “Hey come on, where you going, it’s me, Arod Vekkar, your best pal.” Epin ignored the group and slightly picked up his pace. Vekkar noticed what Epin was attempting, and took action, “Get him boys!”, he yelled as Arod headed after Epin. Epin heard Vekkar, and immediately broke into a run as he started toward the farmlands. Arod tackled Epin to the ground and brought his fist back to strike. But before he could follow through... “Epin! Wake up!” Epin opened his eyes, and noticed he was in his room, and was sitting against the wall, underneath the window. He must have sat down to rest and dozed off. He saw his sister kneeling beside him. “Rena? What is it?”, he asked rubbing his eyes. Rena stood up. “Dad called you downstairs, I guess he wants you to help him load up Nerf or something. He’s out front waiting.” “Oh man! I’m late!”, Epin said getting to his feet and rushing out the door to meet his father outside. He opened the front door and found his father was still just starting to set up. “You’re lucky boy, a few more minutes and I’d have come looking for you.”, Sadvo said as he stepped out of the cargo hauler he had just pulled up in. He shut his door and then went around to the back to open up the bay doors. “Sorry dad, I overslept. I’ll try not to let you down again.”, Epin said looking away. “A person doesn’t try anything boy. They either do it, or they don’t. There is no such thing in this galaxy as trying.”, Sadvo said handing his son a weapon that he called a Shod.. “Right, yes sir.”, Epin said as he took the weapon. Shod’s were melee weapons that Epin had never seen anywhere, except on his farm. They were approximately twelve inches in length, and when a switch placed on the grip area was pressed, emitted a beam of what his father called, “concentrated energy”. Epin was taught to never touch this part of the weapon, or else there would be dire consequences. He knew better anyhow, as more than once he witnessed his father use the weapon on rampaging Nerf. As soon as the blade came into contact with a limb on the Nerf, it was instantly severed. Afterward, Epin could not find words to describe, as there was little to no bleeding from the animal, despite having one of its limbs cut off. His mother also used the weapon, and each had a different color blade. His mother’s was green, his father’s blue, and he and his sister shared an orange one. In fact, Epin witnessed his parents actually fighting each other using the weapons. “Come on, let’s get the Nerf rounded up, and remember only use the weapon if you have to.”, Sadvo reminded Epin. “Got it.”, Epin said nodding. Sadvo returned the nod and they entered the Nerf pen. Epin and his father gathered and loaded all the required Nerf onto the hauler and shut the doors. Sadvo then took the Shod back from Epin and placed them inside his robe. “Good work, we're actually ahead of schedule.”, Sadvo said as he opened his door and stepped in, closing it as he sat down. Epin instead leaped over the side and into the seat. Sadvo glanced at Epin and let out a “Heh” as he started the engine and headed toward Aldera palace. Sadvo and Epin pulled up outside the Palace's main gate and two armed guards immediately began to approach them. "What is your business in the palace?", the first guard said as he stepped up to the pilot's side. "Delivery,” Sadvo started as he pointed to the cargo compartment, "Nerf." "I'll need to call this in, one moment please.", the guard said motioning to his partner, who stepped into the guard house stationed just outside the gate. Sadvo and the guard chatted among themselves as Epin looked up toward the palace itself. No matter how many times he saw it, he couldn't help but stare in awe. Not only because of its size, but because of its mere presence. The tallest building by far in the entire city, Aldera Palace was a site to behold. The palace itself stood atop a small hill overlooking a lush green field of various plants, flowers, trees and several herbivorous animal species that Epin wasn’t very familiar with. A small river flowed around the base of it, and also through a small portion of the building itself. Standing against a backdrop of snow capped mountains and waterfalls, it shimmered against the midday sun, causing Epin to shield his eyes upon looking directly at it. The many towers and walkways of the upper levels displayed the family crests of Alderaan’s former Kings and Queens, on flags and banners. The largest banner, which was placed directly in the center of them all, presumably as a reminder of the galaxies true rulers, was the seal of the Galactic Empire. "Everything is in order here, you may proceed.", the guard said as he again motioned to the other, who acknowledged the gesture by opening the gates. The massive gates let out a loud clanging sound and then began to slide inside the stone wall that surrounded the palace. “I’ve been notified that Queen Breha will be meeting you at the underground loading bay, to oversee the delivery personally.”, the guard said as he stepped away from the vehicle. “Just what we need, a babysitter . . . ,” Sadvo grumbled as he engaged the engines and made his approach toward the palace. Sadvo parked the hauler in the bay, cut the engine, opened his door and exited. "Queen.", Sadvo said, acknowledging Breha, who was making her way out to greet them. Epin stepped out as well and hurried over to them. Sadvo noticed Epin approaching, "Well, you got a mouth boy, say hello to the Queen." "Hello Queen Breha! How are you doing this fine day?", Epin said as he bowed for her. Breha smiled and laughed slightly at him, "I'm doing great. Thank you.", she answered, tipping her head in acknowledgment. "What brings you here my Queen? I would have expected a receiving officer.", Sadvo inquired. "Everything is already set up.", Breha said, motioning to an area of the bay in which stood a large cage. "Would you please herd the Nerf into that pen we have prepared." "Certainly, but that doesn't answer why you are here personally.", Sadvo pressed. "Actually, I was under the impression that Lania would be making the delivery with you, I wanted to speak with you two about your son, Epin.", she finally answered. "What of him?", Sadvo asked looking at Epin. "Did he do something wrong. . ." Breha continued, "Not at all Sadvo, quite the opposite. You see, until yesterday, Leia had been confining herself in her room, not speaking to anyone. She wouldn't talk about anything, the most I could ever get was that she had been having a recurring nightmare. One that, when asked about, she would either not answer, change the subject, or simply leave the room she was in at the time." "And how does that involve him?", Sadvo asked nodding his head toward Epin. "Well, Epin complimented her, and then saw she made it home safely. Clearly, your son lifted her spirits.", Breha answered turning to Epin and smiling. "It was nothing really. I only told her that I thought she was pretty.", Epin said smiling. "Well, that was sure nice of you son. Helping the Princess get home.", Sadvo said placing his hand on Epin's shoulder. Epin faked a smile at his father and quickly looked down. "I told you, it was nothing." "Right, let's get these Nerf unloaded.", Sadvo said, taking his hand from Epin's shoulder and moving over to the hauler. Epin and Sadvo unloaded the Nerf with little trouble, getting them into the holding pens that had been set for them. Sadvo collected payment from Breha, said goodbye, and made his way back to the hauler. "So that's why you were late getting home, huh boy?", Sadvo said glaring at Epin as he closed his door. "You were with Princess Leia." Epin didn't bother saying another word, he knew the tone all too well. His father was angry, and he knew that once they returned home, he would be punished. Epin, who was waiting on his father, stared directly ahead. "What's the matter boy?", Sadvo asked coldly. Epin didn't answer. Sadvo laughed as he closed the door and started the engine. Alderaan Affair Part IV - Part VI