| - The Imponte Insurrection Turbo XRZ5 X-2 is a sports car advertised in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.
- The Insurrection, also referred to as the Resistance, is a military outfit specializing in cryogenics, first appearing with one member in Recreation and the official faction in Season 9. The Director of Project Freelancer informed his Freelancer agents that the "Resistance" is a splinter group of the UNSC. However, they are actually UNSC soldiers hired by Charon Industries to act as their private security force; something that both Carolina and Epsilon consider as a controversial arrangement. The faction serves as the secondary antagonists of the Project Freelancer Saga.
- Description de la carte Insurrection.
- Captain Picard and his crew must commit treason to protect an alien people's secret to eternal youth from both an attacking alien race...and from the Federation itself.
- Insurrection is the third studio album by an American deathcore band Molotov Solution, released through Blk Heart Group on October 25, 2011. It is the band's latest album since they went on an indefinite hiatus.
- Insurrection (Hangyaku 反逆) is the twenty-first episode of the Accel World Anime. It aired August 31st 2012 in Japan.
- "If I can tell tales out of school, the actual brief was to bring to the Dredd Universe something of the epic war-in-space scale of the stuff I write for Warhammer 40K. Tharg (Matt to his friends) wanted a stonking big space war story that would suit the universe of the Mega-Cities."
- In the end, the only political systems that seem to work are those based on freedom. The Inner World leaders of the Terran Federation seem to have forgotten this simple truth. After fighting the Khanate—with the Fringe Worlds to supply the raw material and the fighting men—the Inner Worlds found it hard to give up the powers they had seized during the war. So they decided not to—rather than allow the rapidly expanding Fringe Worlds representation in the Federation, they are inviting the Khanate in, to keep the colonial upstarts in their place. The Fringers have only one answer to that: INSURRECTION
- -キャサリン・ハルゼイ博士 反乱時代は地球などで国連宇宙軍が複数の反乱軍 、反乱軍部隊とアウター・コロニーにおいて43年もの長きにわたって継続された大規模な内乱である。この反乱の発端はコロニー管理局の官僚の肥大と汚職、各アウター・コロニーの統治を監督する人間に対する不満が高まったことである。 初期は極めて平和的なデモなどから始まり、UNSC政府との交渉も続いていたが、やがて不満を爆発させた一部のグループが強硬論に出てテロ行為に打って出た。テロ事件が始まった時、外交による交渉は事実上決裂した。 その規模は2524年には100万人にも達しており、各反乱軍の組織はUNSCによる鎮圧に対抗するべく即席の爆破装置の使用によるテロや知名度の高い目標に対する攻撃を行った。惑星リーチ軌道上の事件が特に有名な事件の一つである。 反乱軍はUNSCの軍事基地などを目標に激しい攻撃を加え、その勢力に民間人を多数含めながら攻撃を継続する。だが、UNSCの圧倒的な武力の前にその作戦のほとんどが大敗に終わり、参加した多くの市民らが犠牲となった。 やがて、反乱はエリダヌス星系などごく少数の惑星を中心として少しずつ拡大していった。
- Insurrection by Thomas M. Reid is the second book in the War of the Spider Queen series.
- Insurrection is the 3rd episode of the 9th season of the "E.R."
- Insurrection was one of the Order branches within the Pentastar Alignment. Insurrection was born as the result of an investigation conducted by the Chamber of Order into the reasons that star systems threw off Imperial control and joined the New Republic. The investigation concluded that the fragmented Empire was too concerned with countering the New Republic militarily and tightening it grip on its holdings. This allowed the New Republic to convince Imperial planets to secede with promises of an improved standard of living and more freedoms. Insurrection was created to counter the New Republic politically and subtly.
- (*from the official NBC write up) Home on a 48-hour furlough, David asks his brother Ethan why he sent back King Silas's check. Ethan proudly says he doesn't need the money. David assures him he doesn't have to singularly step up for Eli, their brother killed in the war with Gath. "He was my brother too." On TV, they learn that in a bid for continued peace, Silas plans to return all territory that Gilboa took from Gath in the Battle of Prosperity, which includes their home. When his family asks him to help, David says the King doesn't listen to people like him. Jesse, his mother, asks him to try.
- Determined to find out what Kane's true plans were, Colonel James sent her forces to investigate the activities going on at the Arctic Hub. Having collected the evidence, Kane's Nod forces shot down the GST Tzadik at Tin City but James and Parker managed to repair the ship and escaped.
- The Insurrection is the proper name given to an undeclared civil war fought between Earth's primary military, scientific, and exploratory agency, the United Nations Space Command and various loosely organized groups of rebels over control of the Outer Colonies for some 43 years, between the year 2494 and 2537. Originally, the breakaway movements started as disquiet against the Colonial Administration Authority's oversight of the Outer Colonies, with the colonists tired of the organization's bureaucracy. It first began with peaceful protests, but after years of frustrating negotiations, some groups began to use more forceful methods ultimately abandoning diplomacy in favor of all-out war.
- The Insurrection is a Communist movement to overthrow the UNSC and everything good and righteous in the galaxy. Devoted to pure evil as well as the principles of Karl Marx, Insurrectionists will do anything, kill anyone, and bomb anyplace to achieve their nefarious goals of wiping out good and righteousness from the galaxy.