| - When Indiana Jones was seven years old, he first developed a fascination for the bullwhip after he saw a whip-act in a traveling circus. The first time Indy used a whip was in 1912 aboard the Dunn & Duffy Combined circus train while fleeing Fedora's Gang. After he accidentally fell into a wagon transporting a lion, he noticed a lion-tamer's whip and grabbed it to ward off the animal. Through his inexperience, the whip first struck Indy below the lower lip which left his chin with a permanent scar. A year later, Jones stumbled across a whip inside Tutankhamun's tomb which he used to cut Gustav von Trappen and disarm Von Trappen's guard. Jones also employed a whip Mexico in 1916, in Demetrios' house. After the thief found Indy breaking into his cupboard of archaeological artifacts, the two fought. Indy once again found a bullwhip there and tried to use it to fend off his attacker but Demetrios grasped it with his iron claw and pulled it away. During World War I, Jones employed a whip for missions in London, Cairo, Bombay and Lhasa. Not only did Indy use it as a weapon but Indy first used it to climb. Sometime in 1922 Indy acquired his own bullwhip. Later that year, in Delphi, he resolved to take his whip with him on every archaeological dig after he had left it behind and realised it would have been ideal in saving his life from the perilous situation he found himself in whilst hanging over a chasm. By 1925, Marion Ravenwood noticed how he practiced daily with it. By 1936 he used to take it along with his adventures. He not only used it as a weapon against animals or adversaries, but Indy had acquired enough skill to use it in several makeshift or unorthodox uses. It saved his life from several dangers, such as helping him pull levers from a distance, or as a swing rope across chasms.