| - North Sea Hijack is a thriller film form 1979, starring Roger Moore and Anthony Perkins. It is based on a novel Esther, Ruth and Jennifer by Jack Davies. Rufus Excalibur ffolkes (yes, with a lower case 'f) is an eccentric freelancer who specializes in diving missions. One day, he is approached to come with an anti-terrorist plan for oil platforms. Months later, one oil platform is planted with bombs by a terrorist group led by a man calling himself Lou Kramer, who demands a ransom in exchange for not blowing it up within 24 hours. Rest of the film is then spent with ffolkes's plan coming into fruition bit by bit.
| - North Sea Hijack is a thriller film form 1979, starring Roger Moore and Anthony Perkins. It is based on a novel Esther, Ruth and Jennifer by Jack Davies. Rufus Excalibur ffolkes (yes, with a lower case 'f) is an eccentric freelancer who specializes in diving missions. One day, he is approached to come with an anti-terrorist plan for oil platforms. Months later, one oil platform is planted with bombs by a terrorist group led by a man calling himself Lou Kramer, who demands a ransom in exchange for not blowing it up within 24 hours. Rest of the film is then spent with ffolkes's plan coming into fruition bit by bit. Examples in the movie:
* The Alcoholic: ffolkes always has a bottle of scotch at hand.
* Attempted Rape: One of Kramer's men attempts to rape Sanna, but is interrupted by captain Olafsen.
* Ax Crazy: Kramer. He seems to spend most of his time insulting people, killing them, or screaming.
* Badass Beard: ffolkes.
* Badass Crew: ffolkes's men, the ffolkes ffusiliers.
* Character Title: The film was released as ffolkes outside the UK.
* Death by Childbirth: Both ffolkes's parents died upon his birth. It is not elaborated further just how his father managed to do it.
* Everything's Louder with Bagpipes: A bagpiper is present when ffolkes is awarded for his deeds in the end.
* Freudian Excuse: The reason why ffolkes dislikes women so much because he was forced to wear girls clothes until he was ten. Among other things.
* Genre Savvy: When Herring volunteers to poison the terrorists, the crew of Esther, after giving some thought, realize that he must be working for them.
* Harpoon Gun: ffolkes's men are armed with them.
* He-Man Woman Hater: ffolkes. After he heard that the gentleman club he is part started taking female members, he resigned from it immediatly.
* Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Even though ffolkes dislikes women, he still has some more polite moments towards them.
* Kindhearted Cat Lover: ffolkes loves cats.
* Name and Name: The original novel Esther, Ruth and Jennifer. It refers to the names of the supply ship, oil rig and the oil platform.
* Nerd Glasses: Worn by Harold, the terrorists' bomb expert.
* No Name Given: We never learn Lou Kramer's real name, as he operates under a name that he randomly chose from a phonebook.
* Pistol Pose: Used on one of the posters.
* Preppy Name: Rufus Excalibur ffolkes, not to mention badass.
* Real Men Wear Pink: ffolkes does does needlepoint embroidery to pass away time. It has kittens on it, unsurprisingly.
* Tampering with Food and Drink: The crew of Esther attempts to poison the terrorists with tampered food.
* Thanks for the Mammary: ffolkes mistakes Sanna for a boy when they initially meet. He later realizes that Sanna really is a woman when he grabs her chest while he is making her warm.
* Thrown From the Zeppelin: Herring is killed after he decides to not to go with Kramer's plan.
* Villainous Breakdown: Kramer degenerates from a collected (if rude and obnoxious) criminal mastermind to a shrieking maniac as the film progresses. Of course, that was part of ffolkes' strategy all along.
* Western Terrorists: The bad guys. Their leader Kramer doesn't like to be called such, as he claims to do it for money rather than any religious ideology.
* Window Pain: Lou and Harold are shot with harpoons through windows.