*Demi-God Physiology
**Superhuman Strength: Ryan has sufficient strength to lift over 100 tons with little effort.
**Superhuman Speed:
**Superhuman Stamina:
**Superhuman Durability:
**Superhuman Agility:
**Amphibious Breathing
**Aquatic Healing
**Aquatic Telepathy
*Magic: Ryan is able to wield vasts amounts of magical energy that can be used for a variety of effects.
**Energy Manipulation
***Energy Bolt Projection: Ryan can project powerful blasts of magical energy from his hands that can injure the likes of Thor, usually appearing in the form of lightning-like bolts.
***Magnetokinesis: Although not nearly at the level of Magneto, Ryan can control magnetic fields to a certain degree.
**Teleportation: Ryan is able to teleport himself and others to almost any location he is familiar with. Although he initially did not control over this ability, causing him to warp randomly around time and space, months of practice have allowed him some control.
**Shapeshifting: Ryan can appear in generally any form he wishes, although he usually spends his time in his original form.