| - In a perfect world, every work on TV Tropes would be in its corresponding Namespace. But in the words of Fast Eddie: "If we had had more forethought, that's the way we would have started five years ago." You can help by moving a works article you happen to come across that is in the wrong place. (See How to Move A Page for step-by-step instructions.) Careful, though. Sites all over the world link to our works pages. We need to leave a redirect in place to service those links. Listed below are works that have been moved to the correct Namespace, but still need their wicks changed to point to the new page. A note to editors of this page: When linking to "Related To" pages, please link to the Main/ namespace in most cases, as that's the namespace that needs its wicks moved. April 13, 2012 NOTE: Please do not mark anything to be moved to WebOriginal, for it is now rendered obsolete. Please consult Namespace for valid New Media namespaces. See also Wick Ptitle Migration, the now-completed project of removing ptitles, as well as Completed Namespace Migrations. 1.
* Move content to the new namespace. (Main/WorkName -> CorrectNamespace/WorkName) 2.
* Change any redirects to point to the new article location. 3.
* If there is discussion, send a report to the mods requesting the discussion be moved. 4.
* Move any liveblogs and reviews. 5.
* Set the page type of the new page to "a work" (or "a creator or person" for the Creator/ namespace). 6.
* If the work title is non-standard, go to Customize Title to make a custom request (not omitting the new namespace). 7.
* Correct wicks, starting with the indexes. 8.
* Doublecheck everything, then deposit in the Completed Namespace Migrations page and pat yourself on the back (be sure to keep additional wicks in check). NOTE: Comic Book has an icon, but it will only show up if you move the page to ComicBook/WorkName (so it shows up as Comic Book: Work Name).