Attributes | Values |
| - The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee
- The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee
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dramatis personae
| - *Arien Yage; captain, Widowmaker
*Blaine Harris; Deputy Prime Minister, Bakura
*Danni Quee; scientist
*Goure; Bakuran worker / Scod
*Grell Panib; general, Bakuran Defense Fleet
*Han Solo; captain, Millennium Falcon
*Hess'irolia'nuruodo ; commander
*Jacen Solo; Jedi Knight
*Jagged Fel; Twin Suns Squadron co-leader
*Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight, Twin Suns Squadron co-leader
*Keeramak; mutant leader of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium
*Kunra; Shamed One and heretic
*Leia Organa Solo; former New Republic diplomat
*Luke Skywalker; Jedi Master
*Lwothin; advance leader of the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement
*Malinza Thanas; founder of the Freedom resistance movement
*Mara Jade Skywalker; Jedi Master
*Molierre Cundertol; Prime Minister, Bakura
*Nom Anor; former executor / Yu'shaa
*Saba Sebatyne; Jedi Knight
*Shimrra; Supreme Overlord
*Shoon-mi Esh; Shamed One and heretic
*Soontir Fel; former Imperial Baron, now Assistant Syndic in the Chiss territories
*Tahiri Veila; Jedi Knight / Riina Kwaad / Gaitzi
*Tekli; Jedi Knight
*Todra Mayn; captain, Pride of Selonia
*Wynssa (Wyn) Fel youngest daughter of Syal Antilles and Soontir Fel
| - *Amphistaff
*Blorash jelly
*Cloaker "Ooglith masquer"
*Corridor ghoul
*Exogorth "Space slug"
*Ghazakl worm
*Nang hul "Thud bug"
*Nooroop [sic]
*Plaeryin bol
**Master Villip
*Vonduun crab
*Yorik coral
Book name
| - The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee
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| - The New Jedi Order; Force Heretic Trilogy
| - *AA-1 VerboBrain
*Alpha Red initiative
**Blaster cannon
**Blaster rifle
*Cloning tank "Clone vat"
*Comm unit
*Darth Vader's armor "Grandfather's armor"
*Deflector shield
*DL-44 heavy blaster pistol
*Eighth cortex
*Electronic binders
*Emergency beacon
*Enviro-suit "Hostile environment suit" / "HE-suit"
*Floor polishing machine
*Force field
*Force-field generator
*Force pike
*Homing beacon
*Hover chair
*Laser cannon
**Jacen Solo's lightsaber
**Jaina Solo's lightsaber
**Luke Skywalker's lightsaber
*Paralysis canister "Paralysis weapon"
*Proton torpedo
*Remote detonator
*Repulsorlift / Repulsor
*Repulsor gurney
*Repulsor sled
*Security cam
*Ssi-ruuvi ion paddle beamer "Paddle beamer"
*Stormtrooper uniform
*Stun prod
*Survival suit
*Tractor beam
*Villip beacon
*Vonduun Skerr Kyrric "Vonduun crab armor"
| - *Battle of Centerpoint Station
*Battle of Endor
*Consecration Ceremony
*Duel on Death Star II
*Outbound Flight Project
*Skirmish on Csilla
*Ssi-ruuvi invasions
**Invasion of Bakura
**Battle of Bakura
**Campaign in the Ssi-ruuk Star Cluster
*Yuuzhan Vong War
**Battle of Bastion
**Battle of Dantooine
**Battle of Ithor
**Battle of N'zoth "Destruction of N'zoth"
**Invasion of Yavin 4
**Battle of Tynna
**Battle of Coruscant
**Battle of Duro
**Hunt for Zonama Sekot
**Mission to Myrkr
**Battle of Helska IV
**Second Battle of Obroa-skai
**Battle of Ylesia
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Release Date
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| - First Look: Force Heretic II & III
Cover Artist
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media type
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| - *Sean Williams
*Shane Dix
| - *Airlock
*Asteroid belt
*Battle plan A-seven
*Cooled lava
*Cosmic Balance
*Deflector grille
*Food rations
*The Force
**Animal friendship
**Dark side of the Force
**Force healing / "Jedi rejuvenation trance"
**Force meld
**Force sense
**Force speed
**Mind trick
***Force persuasion
**Protection bubble "Force bubble"
***Force Pull
***Force Push
*Gas giant
*Givin code
*Irksh poison
*Jedi training
*Knowt's Disease
*K'snell vase
*May the Force be with you
*Namana nectar
*Orbital bombardment "Planetary bombardment"
*Project Decoy
*Red dwarf
*Restraining bolt
*Secrecy Act
*Ysalamiri tree
*Yun-Harla "The Trickster"
*Yun-Ne'Shel "The Modeler"
*Yun-Yammka "The Slayer"
*Yuuzhan Vong
| - Heretyk Mocy II: Uchodźca
Preceded By
| - The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I: Remnant
| - *Aircar
*B-wing starfighter "B-wing"
*Bakura-class destroyer
*BTL Y-wing starfighter "Y-wing"
*Calamari water skimmer
*Death Star II
*D'kee-class landing ship
*Escape pod
*Eye of Palpatine
*Floating van
*Fw'Sen-class picket ship "Trooper scooper"
*Horizon-class Star Yacht
**Jade Shadow
*Ice barge
*Koros-Strohna "Worldship"
*Baanu Rass
*Lancer-class frigate
**Pride of Selonia
*Nssis-class Clawcraft "Clawcraft"
*Picket ship
*Prototype droid fighter
*RZ-1 A-wing interceptor "A-wing"
*Sh'ner-class planetary assault carrier
**Sentinel-class landing craft
*Speeder bike
*Swarm-class battle droid "Ssi-ruuvi battle droids"
*T-65 X-wing starfighter "X-wing"
*T-65XJ3 X-wing starfighter
*TIE/LN starfighter
*Victory-class Star Destroyer
*V'sett-class fighter
**Jaunty Cavalier
**YT-1300 light freighter
***Millennium Falcon
**YT-2400 light freighter
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| - *Barabel
*Hemes Arbora
*Tusken Raider "Sand People"
*Ssi-ruu / "Ssi-ruuk" / Flutie
*Yuuzhan Vong
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| - Еретик Силы II: Обездоленные
| - The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee
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| - Force Heretic II: Refugee
| - Hereje en la Fuerza II: Refugiado
| - eu/lit/novel/news20030130.html
| - *Anti-P'w'eck movement
*Bakura Orbital Control
*Bakuran Defense Fleet
*Bakuran Senate
*Black market
*Chiss Ascendancy "Chiss space"
**Chiss Expansionary Defense Force "Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet" / "CEDF"
***Assistant Syndic
***Chief Navigator
**Ruling Families
***Csapla family
***Inrokini family
***Nuruodo family
***Sabosen family
*Corellian Engineering Corporation
*Dark Jedi
*Domain Karsh
*Domain Kwaad
*Freedom resistance movement
*Galactic Empire
**Galactic Emperor
**Grand Admiral
**Grand Moff
**Imperial Intelligence
*Galactic Federation of Free Alliances / "Galactic Alliance"
**Galactic Alliance guard
**Twin Suns Squadron
***Lieutenant Colonel
***Twin Suns Leader "Twin Suns One"
***Twin Suns Two "Twin Two"
***Twin Suns Three "Twin Sun Three"
***Twin Suns Four "Four"
***Twin Suns Six "Twin Six"
***Twin Suns Eight "Eight"
*Imperial Remnant
*New Jedi Order
**Great River
**Jedi healer
**Jedi Knight
**Jedi Master
*New Republic
**New Republic Intelligence Service "New Republic Intelligence"
**New Republic Senate
*Peace Brigade
*Prime Minister
**Deputy Prime Minister
*P'w'eck Emancipation Movement
*Rebel Alliance
*Ryn Network
*Sacorrian Triad
*Special Bakuran Troops
*Ssi-ruuvi Imperium
**Elders' Council
**Keeramak Entourage
*Stormtrooper Corps
*TIE fighter pilot
*Vanguard Squadron
*Yuuzhan Vong empire
**Intendant caste
***High Prefect
**Jeedai heresy
***The Select
**Priest caste
***Deception sect
***Most High Priest "High Priest"
**Shamed Ones
**Shaper caste
***Master Shaper
**Supreme Overlord
**Warrior caste
**Worker caste
| |
| - *Astromech droid
**R2-series astromech droid
*G-2RD series guard droid "G-2RD sentry droid"
*Human replica droid "HRD"
*Medical droid
*Protocol droid
**3PO-series protocol droid
| - *Alderaan
*Bakura / Xwhee
**Lesser Grace
**Salis D'aar
***Bakuran Senate Complex
***Blaine Harris's private chambers
***Salis D'aar Penitentiary
****Cell 12-17
****Rear Entrance 23
***The Stack
*Barab I
**Listian Hills
**Mount Ste'vshuulsz
*Bothan space
*Centerpoint Station
*Corporate Sector
*Coruscant / Yuuzhan'tar
**Imperial Palace
**Monument Plaza
**Yuuzhan'tar Underworld
*Helska IV
*Minos Cluster
*Mon Calamari
**Mester Reef
**Celebratus Archive "Library"
*Unknown Regions
***Expeditionary Library
**Csilla (star)
**Klasse Ephemora system
***Klasse Ephemora A
***Zonama Sekot / "Star-World" / M-18
**Munlali Mafir
**Osseriton system
***Yashaka Mountains
*Yavin 4
Followed By
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| - Nový řád Jedi: Heretik II: Uprchlík
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Other Characters
| - *Peita Aabe
*Arrizza / Yon
*C-3PO / Goldenrod
*Gaeriel Captison
*Klasse Ephemora
*Niiriit Esh
*Cem Fel
*Syal Antilles Fel
*Soron Hegerty
*Corran Horn
*Vuurok I'pan
*Ina'ganet'nuruodo "Ganet"
*Jer'Jo Cam'Co
*Talon Karrde
*Hreven Karsh
*Komm Karsh
*Mezhan Kwaad
*Tsavong Lah
*Selwin Markota
*Nichos Marr
*Nichos Marr (droid)
*Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn"
*Wilek Nereus
*Voss Parck
*R2-D2 "Artoo"
*Vua Rapuung
*Ganner Rhysode
*Valara Saar
*Dif Scaur
*Ben Skywalker
*Anakin Solo
*Pter Thanas
*Unidentified Ryn (Galantos)
*Darth Vader
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