East Pakistan is a unitary parliamentary republic located in Southeast Asia, on the fertile Bengal delta. It is bordered by the Republic of India to its north, west and east, by the nation of Burma, to its south-east and by the Bay of Bengal to its south. It is separated from the Democratic Republic of Nepal and the Kingdom of Bhutan by the narrow India Siliguri Corridor.Together with the neighboring Indian state of West Bengal, it makes up the ethno-linguistic region of Bengal.
Attributes | Values |
| - East Pakistan (Unthinkable)
| - East Pakistan is a unitary parliamentary republic located in Southeast Asia, on the fertile Bengal delta. It is bordered by the Republic of India to its north, west and east, by the nation of Burma, to its south-east and by the Bay of Bengal to its south. It is separated from the Democratic Republic of Nepal and the Kingdom of Bhutan by the narrow India Siliguri Corridor.Together with the neighboring Indian state of West Bengal, it makes up the ethno-linguistic region of Bengal.
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conventional long name
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map caption
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membership type
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leader name
| - Azam Khan
- Abdul Monem Khan
- Syed Mohammad Ahsan
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national anthem
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official languages
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national motto
| - "Unity, Faith, Discipline"
Regional Languages
| - English, Urdu, Bihari, and Indigenous minority languages
image map
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government type
| - Presidential republic
- Socialist state
native name
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image coat
| - State_emblem_of_Pakistan.svg
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Leader title
| - Administrators
- Governors
- Chief Minister
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image flag
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| - East Pakistan is a unitary parliamentary republic located in Southeast Asia, on the fertile Bengal delta. It is bordered by the Republic of India to its north, west and east, by the nation of Burma, to its south-east and by the Bay of Bengal to its south. It is separated from the Democratic Republic of Nepal and the Kingdom of Bhutan by the narrow India Siliguri Corridor.Together with the neighboring Indian state of West Bengal, it makes up the ethno-linguistic region of Bengal. Following the Partition of Bengal and British India in 1947, the modern borders of Bangladesh took shape, and the region became the eastern wing of the newly created state of Pakistan. In 1971 years of political exclusion, ethnic and linguistic discrimination, and economic neglect by the politically dominant western wing, a surge of popular agitation, nationalism and civil disobedience led to Bangladesh Liberation War, separating Bangladesh from Pakistan as an independent state.