The Orbanians use nanites to transfer information from children known as Urrone. The Urrone have the ability to rapidly learn vast amounts of information due to the large quantities of nanites implanted into their brains. As a result, it is the child-like Urrone who act as the scientists and engineers of the Orbanians.
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| - Orbanianer använder Nanite att överföra information från barn kallas Urrone. Urrone har förmåga att snabbt lära sig stora mängder information på grund av stora mängder nanites implanteras i deras hjärnor. Under en ceremoni som kallas Averium dessa nanites tas bort från barnet och distribueras till befolkningen i allmänhet. Denna process är Orbanianer enda sättet att utbildning, men den lämnar den tidigare Urrone i en infantil mentala tillstånd, och sedan skicka Urrone barn inte kan läras ut via nanites samhället anser att de inte kan få utbildning igen. (SG1: "Learning Curve") Kategori: Orbanianer
- The Orbanians use nanites to transfer information from children known as Urrone. The Urrone have the ability to rapidly learn vast amounts of information due to the large quantities of nanites implanted into their brains. As a result, it is the child-like Urrone who act as the scientists and engineers of the Orbanians.
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| - Orbanianer använder Nanite att överföra information från barn kallas Urrone. Urrone har förmåga att snabbt lära sig stora mängder information på grund av stora mängder nanites implanteras i deras hjärnor. Under en ceremoni som kallas Averium dessa nanites tas bort från barnet och distribueras till befolkningen i allmänhet. Denna process är Orbanianer enda sättet att utbildning, men den lämnar den tidigare Urrone i en infantil mentala tillstånd, och sedan skicka Urrone barn inte kan läras ut via nanites samhället anser att de inte kan få utbildning igen. (SG1: "Learning Curve") Kategori: Orbanianer
- The Orbanians use nanites to transfer information from children known as Urrone. The Urrone have the ability to rapidly learn vast amounts of information due to the large quantities of nanites implanted into their brains. As a result, it is the child-like Urrone who act as the scientists and engineers of the Orbanians. During a ceremony called the Averium, these nanites are removed from the child and distributed to the general population. This process is the Orbanians' sole means of education. Although this results in relatively intelligent adults and ensures that new knowledge is quickly shared and understood, the former Urrones are left in an infantile mental state. Former Urrone children can't be taught via nanites; They must be taught new information through conventional means without the use of nanites. (SG1: "Learning Curve")
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