| - The reborn White Dragon disappeared after hatching and has been absent in the ten years since her birth. When April begins looking for her for insight into her destiny, she hears from Brian Westhouse that a woman with white hair has been seen in the Dark People's Library. April travels there and meets the White Dragon, who has now taken on a human form. She appears to hold all the memories and powers of her previous self but has a very different personality. In this incarnation she is more curious and more active than before, largely because she is experiencing the world through her human disguise. She finds it an odd experience, saying that a human body constricts her and comments that "no wonder you are obsessed with freedom". Not surprisingly, given the particular form she's chosen, she finds that humans seem to enjoy looking at her. During her time in the Library, she has become interested in the knowledge available through books and has spent much of her time reading. She also does not manifest any power of her own, but like Cortez, she appears to be able to focus the abilities of others. The White Dragon is hiding in the Library because some enemy, 'not mortal', has been hunting the Draic Kin, even the Ancient Blue: she says she "cannot hear the others: they have all gone silent, and I am the only one left". She also clarifies that April is not a dragon as she is, that their sisterhood is more metaphorical than genetic. The White of the Kin seems sad at April's choices in life, but agrees to help her Shift to the Guardian's Realm - on the condition she takes Crow, whom the White Dragon seems amused by, along with her. When she meets Zoë Castillo, the White Dragon is fascinated by her 'dream presence' in Arcadia, and even asks Zoë if she can touch her. However, she is more unsettled by her meeting with Brian Westhouse, and claims that looking at him gives her 'goosebumps'. The significance of this is not clear. At the end of the story, the White Dragon is reading in the Library when she hears a noise from behind and she is attacked. Her fate is unknown, but she appears to have recognised her attacker.