| - Wolf Stratos was a Human male from Anaxes. At the age of twenty-five, he joined the Senate Bureau of Intelligence and served with Wullf Yularen. In this capacity he met Palpatine, the Senator of Naboo and befriended him. When he uncovered the corruption of the prominent Senator Griff Acroplis, many Senators realized that Stratos was a danger to their political careers. The senator of Kuat hired the bounty hunter Tharin Sec to eliminate him. Stratos found out about the plot, however, and faced Sec with ten Coruscant Security Force officers. Sec, outnumbered and outgunned, was killed.
| - Wolf Stratos was a Human male from Anaxes. At the age of twenty-five, he joined the Senate Bureau of Intelligence and served with Wullf Yularen. In this capacity he met Palpatine, the Senator of Naboo and befriended him. When he uncovered the corruption of the prominent Senator Griff Acroplis, many Senators realized that Stratos was a danger to their political careers. The senator of Kuat hired the bounty hunter Tharin Sec to eliminate him. Stratos found out about the plot, however, and faced Sec with ten Coruscant Security Force officers. Sec, outnumbered and outgunned, was killed. After this encounter, however, Stratos realized the power of the enemies he had made. Therefore, he left the SBI and joined the Republic Navy. He remained in the navy for two decades, until the Clone Wars broke out. When the war came, Stratos was promoted to the rank of captain and given his own flagship, the Scar. Over the course of the war, Stratos led Republic forces to both victories and defeats all over the galaxy during the war. In the final week of the war, Stratos commanded the Scar and her crew during the Second Battle of Coruscant. From Coruscant, he was posted to the space above Naboo, along with Jedi general Olimpus Redan. When Order 66 was ordered later in the week, Stratos took the command from Palpatine. When being told what the order meant Stratos, despite having reservations, executed Redan personally. Although his clone troops turned on him, Stratos explained that Order 66 had been given and the clones stood down. After the end of the war, Stratos served the Galactic Empire, being a fanatical extremist and supporter of the Empire's views on non-humans. He was assigned to be a leader in the Sub-Adult Group due to his fanaticism and loyalty. In this position, he drilled the ideology of the Empire into the minds of young humans. He was exceptionally skilled at this and was made a Moff for his services to the Empire. He was killed during an anti-Imperial terrorist attack on Coruscant just prior to the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War.