| - Urdnot Wrex is the krogan ally of Commander Shepard and a secondary protagonist of the Mass Effect series. He initially starts of as a bounty hunter fighting with Shepard to becoming the leader and savoir of the krogan race.
- Uncle Urdnot
- Urdnot Wrex est un foudre de guerre Krogan, rarissime individu chez cette race pouvant allier force physique et pouvoir biotique. Issu d'un peuple de fiers guerriers natifs d'un monde hostile; courage, force et honneur sont primordiales pour lui. Depuis 300 ans, après son départ de Tuchanka, Wrex cumule les fonctions de mercenaire, garde du corps ou chasseur de prime. Il est l'un des rares Krogans qui tentent de lutter contre le Génophage.
- Urdnot Wrex ist ein kroganischer Söldner, Kampfmeister und der mögliche spätere Anführer des Urdnot Klans.
- A famed krogan mercenary and bounty hunter, Urdnot Wrex is also one of the last Krogan Battlemasters: rare individuals who combine powerful biotic abilities with the devastating firepower of advanced weaponry. A long-lived krogan who has had many adventures, Wrex has heard of Commander Shepard on his travels, and respects the Commander as a fellow warrior. Despite his chosen path of violence and killing for credits, Wrex is deeply concerned with the fate of his people after the genophage, and is one of the few planning for a new krogan future. __TOC__
- Wrex is a major character in the first season of Mass Effect. He appears as a recurring role in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth seasons.