| - Dans l'Univers-miroir, l'ISS Enterprise NX-01 était un vaisseau de classe NX affilié à Starfleet de l'Empire Terrien, sous le commandement du capitaine Maximilian Forrest.
- In the mirror universe, the ISS Enterprise (NX-01) was a Terran NX-class battle cruiser that was in service to the Terran Starfleet in the mid-22nd century. The ship was commanded by Captain Maximilian Forrest and was destroyed in battle with the Tholians in 2155.
- The ISS Enterprise (NX-01) was an NX-class ship utilized by the Terran Empire. During the 2150s, Enterprise was under the command of Captain Maximilian Forrest and the flagship of the Imperial Starfleet.
- Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist die Mannschaft der Enterprise diejenige, welche die meisten Schlachten im Terranischen Imperium erfolgreich bestritten hat. Im Zuge der von Archer fingierten Mission wird das Schiff von Tucker und T'Pol mit einer sulibanischen Tarnvorrichtung ausgerüstet. Als Besonderheit wird die Tarnvorrichtung so installiert, dass die Enterprise getarnt feuern kann, sowie auch die Transporter eingesetzt werden können, ohne dass man dabei entdeckt wird.
- During the 2150s, the Enterprise was under the command of Captain Maximilian Forrest and the flagship of the Imperial Starfleet, Jonathan Archer considered the crew the most battle tested in the fleet, the ship having engaged enemies including the Xindi and the Klingons. In 2155 Jonathan Archer mutinied against Captain Forrest after discovering the Tholians had captured a human starship, by capturing a Tholian pilot he discovered the location of the vessel and locked the course of the ship to the Vintaak system, using a captured Suliban cloaking device to remain undetected. Despite Forrest regaining the ship Fleet Admiral Gardner decided to continue the mission, Archer explained the ship was from not only an alternate universe but also the future of that universe and brought into their r
- In the mirror universe, ISS Enterprise (NX-01) was an NX class starship of the Terran Empire Starfleet. Enterprise was the flagship of the Terran fleet, commanded by Captain Maximilian Forrest. In 2155, Enterprise was assigned to an assault fleet which was part of the war against an ongoing rebellion. The ship fell under the jurisdiction of Admiral Black, who personally "recommended" several crew members to Enterprise, including Charles Tucker. After departing from Gorlan Station, the ship proceeded to rendezvous with the assault fleet that it had been assigned to.
- The ISS Enterprise (NX-01) was an NX-class starship in service to the Terran Empire in the mid-22nd century. During the 2150s, the Enterprise was under the command of Captain Maximillian Forrest and the flagship of the Imperial Starfleet, Jonathan Archer considered the crew the most battle tested in the fleet, the ship having engaged enemies including the Xindi and the Klingons. In 2155 Jonathan Archer mutinied against Captain Forrest after discovering the Tholians had captured a human starship, by capturing a Tholian pilot he discovered the location of the vessel and locked the course of the ship to the Vintaak system, using a captured Suliban cloaking device to remain undetected. Despite Forrest regaining the ship Fleet Admiral Gardner decided to continue the mission, Archer explained th