Yusei's first Duel Runner was a Duel Runner created by Yusei Fudo with help from his friends Jack Atlas, Rally Dawson, Nervin, Tank and Blitz. The Duel Runner was stolen by Jack, who used it to escape from Satellite. It got destroyed while in his possession (in the dub, it wasn't destroyed but upgraded, and after Jack's Duel with Yusei Fudo, it was upgraded again by Goodwin into Phoenix Whirlwind).
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| - Yusei's first Duel Runner
| - Yusei's first Duel Runner was a Duel Runner created by Yusei Fudo with help from his friends Jack Atlas, Rally Dawson, Nervin, Tank and Blitz. The Duel Runner was stolen by Jack, who used it to escape from Satellite. It got destroyed while in his possession (in the dub, it wasn't destroyed but upgraded, and after Jack's Duel with Yusei Fudo, it was upgraded again by Goodwin into Phoenix Whirlwind).
image name
| - Yusei and co work on first Duel Runner.jpg
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| - * Yusei Fudo
* Jack Atlas
| - Yusei's first Duel Runner was a Duel Runner created by Yusei Fudo with help from his friends Jack Atlas, Rally Dawson, Nervin, Tank and Blitz. The Duel Runner was stolen by Jack, who used it to escape from Satellite. It got destroyed while in his possession (in the dub, it wasn't destroyed but upgraded, and after Jack's Duel with Yusei Fudo, it was upgraded again by Goodwin into Phoenix Whirlwind).